Type real
Global Variables | Functions That Return | Functions That Take
Native Type | real
| Children Types: | none |
Information about type real
JASS Reals are 32 bit floats.
Global variables of type real:
Functions that return type real (   common.j,   common.ai,   Blizzard.j):
native Acos (real x) returns real
function AcosBJ (real degrees) returns real
function AngleBetweenPoints (location locA, location locB) returns real
native Asin (real y) returns real
function AsinBJ (real degrees) returns real
native Atan (real x) returns real
native Atan2 (real y, real x) returns real
function Atan2BJ (real y, real x) returns real
function AtanBJ (real degrees) returns real
native CameraSetupGetDestPositionX (camerasetup whichSetup) returns real
native CameraSetupGetDestPositionY (camerasetup whichSetup) returns real
native CameraSetupGetField (camerasetup whichSetup, camerafield whichField) returns real
function CameraSetupGetFieldSwap (camerafield whichField, camerasetup whichSetup) returns real
native Cos (real radians) returns real
function CosBJ (real degrees) returns real
native Deg2Rad (real degrees) returns real
function DistanceBetweenPoints (location locA, location locB) returns real
constant native GetCameraBoundMaxX () returns real
constant native GetCameraBoundMaxY () returns real
constant native GetCameraBoundMinX () returns real
constant native GetCameraBoundMinY () returns real
constant native GetCameraEyePositionX () returns real
constant native GetCameraEyePositionY () returns real
constant native GetCameraEyePositionZ () returns real
constant native GetCameraField (camerafield whichField) returns real
native GetCameraMargin (integer whichMargin) returns real
constant native GetCameraTargetPositionX () returns real
constant native GetCameraTargetPositionY () returns real
constant native GetCameraTargetPositionZ () returns real
native GetDestructableLife (destructable d) returns real
native GetDestructableMaxLife (destructable d) returns real
native GetDestructableOccluderHeight (destructable d) returns real
native GetDestructableX (destructable d) returns real
native GetDestructableY (destructable d) returns real
constant native GetEventDamage () returns real
function GetFadeFromSecondsAsReal (real seconds) returns real
constant native GetFloatGameState (fgamestate whichFloatGameState) returns real
function GetItemLifeBJ (widget whichWidget) returns real
native GetItemX (item i) returns real
native GetItemY (item i) returns real
function GetLastTransmissionDurationBJ () returns real
native GetLightningColorA (lightning whichBolt) returns real
function GetLightningColorABJ (lightning whichBolt) returns real
native GetLightningColorB (lightning whichBolt) returns real
function GetLightningColorBBJ (lightning whichBolt) returns real
native GetLightningColorG (lightning whichBolt) returns real
function GetLightningColorGBJ (lightning whichBolt) returns real
native GetLightningColorR (lightning whichBolt) returns real
function GetLightningColorRBJ (lightning whichBolt) returns real
native GetLocationX (location whichLocation) returns real
native GetLocationY (location whichLocation) returns real
native GetLocationZ (location whichLocation) returns real
constant native GetOrderPointX () returns real
constant native GetOrderPointY () returns real
constant native GetPlayerHandicap (player whichPlayer) returns real
function GetPlayerHandicapBJ (player whichPlayer) returns real
constant native GetPlayerHandicapXP (player whichPlayer) returns real
function GetPlayerHandicapXPBJ (player whichPlayer) returns real
function GetPlayerStartLocationX (player whichPlayer) returns real
function GetPlayerStartLocationY (player whichPlayer) returns real
function GetRandomDirectionDeg () returns real
function GetRandomPercentageBJ () returns real
native GetRandomReal (real lowBound, real highBound) returns real
native GetRectCenterX (rect whichRect) returns real
native GetRectCenterY (rect whichRect) returns real
function GetRectHeightBJ (rect r) returns real
native GetRectMaxX (rect whichRect) returns real
native GetRectMaxY (rect whichRect) returns real
native GetRectMinX (rect whichRect) returns real
native GetRectMinY (rect whichRect) returns real
function GetRectWidthBJ (rect r) returns real
function GetSoundDurationBJ (sound soundHandle) returns real
function GetSoundFileDurationBJ (string musicFileName) returns real
constant native GetSpellTargetX () returns real
constant native GetSpellTargetY () returns real
constant native GetStartLocationX (integer whichStartLocation) returns real
constant native GetStartLocationY (integer whichStartLocation) returns real
native GetStoredReal (gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key) returns real
function GetStoredRealBJ (string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache) returns real
function GetTimeOfDay () returns real
native GetTimeOfDayScale () returns real
function GetTimeOfDayScalePercentBJ () returns real
constant native GetTournamentFinishSoonTimeRemaining () returns real
function GetTransmissionDuration (sound soundHandle, integer timeType, real timeVal) returns real
native GetUnitAcquireRange (unit whichUnit) returns real
native GetUnitDefaultAcquireRange (unit whichUnit) returns real
native GetUnitDefaultFlyHeight (unit whichUnit) returns real
constant native GetUnitDefaultMoveSpeed (unit whichUnit) returns real
native GetUnitDefaultPropWindow (unit whichUnit) returns real
function GetUnitDefaultPropWindowBJ (unit whichUnit) returns real
native GetUnitDefaultTurnSpeed (unit whichUnit) returns real
constant native GetUnitFacing (unit whichUnit) returns real
native GetUnitFlyHeight (unit whichUnit) returns real
function GetUnitLifePercent (unit whichUnit) returns real
function GetUnitManaPercent (unit whichUnit) returns real
constant native GetUnitMoveSpeed (unit whichUnit) returns real
native GetUnitPropWindow (unit whichUnit) returns real
function GetUnitPropWindowBJ (unit whichUnit) returns real
constant native GetUnitState (unit whichUnit, unitstate whichUnitState) returns real
function GetUnitStatePercent (unit whichUnit, unitstate whichState, unitstate whichMaxState) returns real
function GetUnitStateSwap (unitstate whichState, unit whichUnit) returns real
native GetUnitTurnSpeed (unit whichUnit) returns real
constant native GetUnitX (unit whichUnit) returns real
constant native GetUnitY (unit whichUnit) returns real
native GetWidgetLife (widget whichWidget) returns real
native GetWidgetX (widget whichWidget) returns real
native GetWidgetY (widget whichWidget) returns real
native I2R (integer i) returns real
native LoadReal (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey) returns real
function LoadRealBJ (integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns real
function MeleeGetNearestValueWithin (real val, real minVal, real maxVal) returns real
function ModuloReal (real dividend, real divisor) returns real
native Pow (real x, real power) returns real
function RAbsBJ (real a) returns real
native Rad2Deg (real radians) returns real
function RMaxBJ (real a, real b) returns real
function RMinBJ (real a, real b) returns real
function RSignBJ (real a) returns real
native S2R (string s) returns real
native Sin (real radians) returns real
function SinBJ (real degrees) returns real
native SquareRoot (real x) returns real
native Tan (real radians) returns real
function TanBJ (real degrees) returns real
function TextTagSize2Height (real size) returns real
function TextTagSpeed2Velocity (real speed) returns real
native TimerGetElapsed (timer whichTimer) returns real
native TimerGetRemaining (timer whichTimer) returns real
native TimerGetTimeout (timer whichTimer) returns real
native WaygateGetDestinationX (unit waygate) returns real
native WaygateGetDestinationY (unit waygate) returns real
Functions that take type real as a parameter (   common.j,   common.ai,   Blizzard.j):
native Acos (real x) returns real
function AcosBJ (real degrees) returns real
native AddGuardPost (integer id, real x, real y) returns nothing
native AddGuardPost (integer id, real x, real y) returns nothing
native AddLightning (string codeName, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2) returns lightning
native AddLightning (string codeName, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2) returns lightning
native AddLightning (string codeName, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2) returns lightning
native AddLightning (string codeName, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2) returns lightning
native AddLightningEx (string codeName, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2) returns lightning
native AddLightningEx (string codeName, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2) returns lightning
native AddLightningEx (string codeName, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2) returns lightning
native AddLightningEx (string codeName, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2) returns lightning
native AddLightningEx (string codeName, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2) returns lightning
native AddLightningEx (string codeName, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2) returns lightning
native AddSpecialEffect (string modelName, real x, real y) returns effect
native AddSpecialEffect (string modelName, real x, real y) returns effect
native AddSpellEffect (string abilityString, effecttype t, real x, real y) returns effect
native AddSpellEffect (string abilityString, effecttype t, real x, real y) returns effect
native AddSpellEffectById (integer abilityId, effecttype t, real x, real y) returns effect
native AddSpellEffectById (integer abilityId, effecttype t, real x, real y) returns effect
function AdjustCameraBoundsBJ (integer adjustMethod, real dxWest, real dxEast, real dyNorth, real dySouth) returns nothing
function AdjustCameraBoundsBJ (integer adjustMethod, real dxWest, real dxEast, real dyNorth, real dySouth) returns nothing
function AdjustCameraBoundsBJ (integer adjustMethod, real dxWest, real dxEast, real dyNorth, real dySouth) returns nothing
function AdjustCameraBoundsBJ (integer adjustMethod, real dxWest, real dxEast, real dyNorth, real dySouth) returns nothing
function AdjustCameraBoundsForPlayerBJ (integer adjustMethod, player whichPlayer, real dxWest, real dxEast, real dyNorth, real dySouth) returns nothing
function AdjustCameraBoundsForPlayerBJ (integer adjustMethod, player whichPlayer, real dxWest, real dxEast, real dyNorth, real dySouth) returns nothing
function AdjustCameraBoundsForPlayerBJ (integer adjustMethod, player whichPlayer, real dxWest, real dxEast, real dyNorth, real dySouth) returns nothing
function AdjustCameraBoundsForPlayerBJ (integer adjustMethod, player whichPlayer, real dxWest, real dxEast, real dyNorth, real dySouth) returns nothing
native AdjustCameraField (camerafield whichField, real offset, real duration) returns nothing
native AdjustCameraField (camerafield whichField, real offset, real duration) returns nothing
native Asin (real y) returns real
function AsinBJ (real degrees) returns real
native Atan (real x) returns real
native Atan2 (real y, real x) returns real
native Atan2 (real y, real x) returns real
function Atan2BJ (real y, real x) returns real
function Atan2BJ (real y, real x) returns real
function AtanBJ (real degrees) returns real
function CameraSetEQNoiseForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real magnitude) returns nothing
native CameraSetSmoothingFactor (real factor) returns nothing
function CameraSetSmoothingFactorBJ (real factor) returns nothing
native CameraSetSourceNoise (real mag, real velocity) returns nothing
native CameraSetSourceNoise (real mag, real velocity) returns nothing
native CameraSetSourceNoiseEx (real mag, real velocity, boolean vertOnly) returns nothing
native CameraSetSourceNoiseEx (real mag, real velocity, boolean vertOnly) returns nothing
function CameraSetSourceNoiseForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real magnitude, real velocity) returns nothing
function CameraSetSourceNoiseForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real magnitude, real velocity) returns nothing
native CameraSetTargetNoise (real mag, real velocity) returns nothing
native CameraSetTargetNoise (real mag, real velocity) returns nothing
native CameraSetTargetNoiseEx (real mag, real velocity, boolean vertOnly) returns nothing
native CameraSetTargetNoiseEx (real mag, real velocity, boolean vertOnly) returns nothing
function CameraSetTargetNoiseForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real magnitude, real velocity) returns nothing
function CameraSetTargetNoiseForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real magnitude, real velocity) returns nothing
native CameraSetupApplyForceDuration (camerasetup whichSetup, boolean doPan, real forceDuration) returns nothing
native CameraSetupApplyForceDurationWithZ (camerasetup whichSetup, real zDestOffset, real forceDuration) returns nothing
native CameraSetupApplyForceDurationWithZ (camerasetup whichSetup, real zDestOffset, real forceDuration) returns nothing
function CameraSetupApplyForPlayer (boolean doPan, camerasetup whichSetup, player whichPlayer, real duration) returns nothing
native CameraSetupApplyWithZ (camerasetup whichSetup, real zDestOffset) returns nothing
native CameraSetupSetDestPosition (camerasetup whichSetup, real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
native CameraSetupSetDestPosition (camerasetup whichSetup, real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
native CameraSetupSetDestPosition (camerasetup whichSetup, real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
native CameraSetupSetField (camerasetup whichSetup, camerafield whichField, real value, real duration) returns nothing
native CameraSetupSetField (camerasetup whichSetup, camerafield whichField, real value, real duration) returns nothing
native CaptainAttack (real x, real y) returns nothing
native CaptainAttack (real x, real y) returns nothing
function ChangeElevatorWallBlocker (real x, real y, real facing, boolean open) returns nothing
function ChangeElevatorWallBlocker (real x, real y, real facing, boolean open) returns nothing
function ChangeElevatorWallBlocker (real x, real y, real facing, boolean open) returns nothing
function CinematicFadeBJ (integer fadetype, real duration, string tex, real red, real green, real blue, real trans) returns nothing
function CinematicFadeBJ (integer fadetype, real duration, string tex, real red, real green, real blue, real trans) returns nothing
function CinematicFadeBJ (integer fadetype, real duration, string tex, real red, real green, real blue, real trans) returns nothing
function CinematicFadeBJ (integer fadetype, real duration, string tex, real red, real green, real blue, real trans) returns nothing
function CinematicFadeBJ (integer fadetype, real duration, string tex, real red, real green, real blue, real trans) returns nothing
function CinematicFadeCommonBJ (real red, real green, real blue, real duration, string tex, real startTrans, real endTrans) returns nothing
function CinematicFadeCommonBJ (real red, real green, real blue, real duration, string tex, real startTrans, real endTrans) returns nothing
function CinematicFadeCommonBJ (real red, real green, real blue, real duration, string tex, real startTrans, real endTrans) returns nothing
function CinematicFadeCommonBJ (real red, real green, real blue, real duration, string tex, real startTrans, real endTrans) returns nothing
function CinematicFadeCommonBJ (real red, real green, real blue, real duration, string tex, real startTrans, real endTrans) returns nothing
function CinematicFadeCommonBJ (real red, real green, real blue, real duration, string tex, real startTrans, real endTrans) returns nothing
function CinematicFilterGenericBJ (real duration, blendmode bmode, string tex, real red0, real green0, real blue0, real trans0, real red1, real green1, real blue1, real trans1) returns nothing
function CinematicFilterGenericBJ (real duration, blendmode bmode, string tex, real red0, real green0, real blue0, real trans0, real red1, real green1, real blue1, real trans1) returns nothing
function CinematicFilterGenericBJ (real duration, blendmode bmode, string tex, real red0, real green0, real blue0, real trans0, real red1, real green1, real blue1, real trans1) returns nothing
function CinematicFilterGenericBJ (real duration, blendmode bmode, string tex, real red0, real green0, real blue0, real trans0, real red1, real green1, real blue1, real trans1) returns nothing
function CinematicFilterGenericBJ (real duration, blendmode bmode, string tex, real red0, real green0, real blue0, real trans0, real red1, real green1, real blue1, real trans1) returns nothing
function CinematicFilterGenericBJ (real duration, blendmode bmode, string tex, real red0, real green0, real blue0, real trans0, real red1, real green1, real blue1, real trans1) returns nothing
function CinematicFilterGenericBJ (real duration, blendmode bmode, string tex, real red0, real green0, real blue0, real trans0, real red1, real green1, real blue1, real trans1) returns nothing
function CinematicFilterGenericBJ (real duration, blendmode bmode, string tex, real red0, real green0, real blue0, real trans0, real red1, real green1, real blue1, real trans1) returns nothing
function CinematicFilterGenericBJ (real duration, blendmode bmode, string tex, real red0, real green0, real blue0, real trans0, real red1, real green1, real blue1, real trans1) returns nothing
function CinematicModeExBJ (boolean cineMode, force forForce, real interfaceFadeTime) returns nothing
function ContinueCinematicFadeAfterBJ (real duration, real red, real green, real blue, real trans, string tex) returns nothing
function ContinueCinematicFadeAfterBJ (real duration, real red, real green, real blue, real trans, string tex) returns nothing
function ContinueCinematicFadeAfterBJ (real duration, real red, real green, real blue, real trans, string tex) returns nothing
function ContinueCinematicFadeAfterBJ (real duration, real red, real green, real blue, real trans, string tex) returns nothing
function ContinueCinematicFadeAfterBJ (real duration, real red, real green, real blue, real trans, string tex) returns nothing
native Cos (real radians) returns real
function CosBJ (real degrees) returns real
native CreateBlightedGoldmine (player id, real x, real y, real face) returns unit
native CreateBlightedGoldmine (player id, real x, real y, real face) returns unit
native CreateBlightedGoldmine (player id, real x, real y, real face) returns unit
native CreateCorpse (player whichPlayer, integer unitid, real x, real y, real face) returns unit
native CreateCorpse (player whichPlayer, integer unitid, real x, real y, real face) returns unit
native CreateCorpse (player whichPlayer, integer unitid, real x, real y, real face) returns unit
native CreateDeadDestructable (integer objectid, real x, real y, real face, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
native CreateDeadDestructable (integer objectid, real x, real y, real face, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
native CreateDeadDestructable (integer objectid, real x, real y, real face, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
native CreateDeadDestructable (integer objectid, real x, real y, real face, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
function CreateDeadDestructableLocBJ (integer objectid, location loc, real facing, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
function CreateDeadDestructableLocBJ (integer objectid, location loc, real facing, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
native CreateDeadDestructableZ (integer objectid, real x, real y, real z, real face, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
native CreateDeadDestructableZ (integer objectid, real x, real y, real z, real face, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
native CreateDeadDestructableZ (integer objectid, real x, real y, real z, real face, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
native CreateDeadDestructableZ (integer objectid, real x, real y, real z, real face, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
native CreateDeadDestructableZ (integer objectid, real x, real y, real z, real face, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
native CreateDestructable (integer objectid, real x, real y, real face, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
native CreateDestructable (integer objectid, real x, real y, real face, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
native CreateDestructable (integer objectid, real x, real y, real face, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
native CreateDestructable (integer objectid, real x, real y, real face, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
function CreateDestructableLoc (integer objectid, location loc, real facing, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
function CreateDestructableLoc (integer objectid, location loc, real facing, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
native CreateDestructableZ (integer objectid, real x, real y, real z, real face, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
native CreateDestructableZ (integer objectid, real x, real y, real z, real face, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
native CreateDestructableZ (integer objectid, real x, real y, real z, real face, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
native CreateDestructableZ (integer objectid, real x, real y, real z, real face, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
native CreateDestructableZ (integer objectid, real x, real y, real z, real face, real scale, integer variation) returns destructable
native CreateFogModifierRadius (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, real centerx, real centerY, real radius, boolean useSharedVision, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
native CreateFogModifierRadius (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, real centerx, real centerY, real radius, boolean useSharedVision, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
native CreateFogModifierRadius (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, real centerx, real centerY, real radius, boolean useSharedVision, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
native CreateFogModifierRadiusLoc (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, location center, real radius, boolean useSharedVision, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
function CreateFogModifierRadiusLocBJ (boolean enabled, player whichPlayer, fogstate whichFogState, location center, real radius) returns fogmodifier
function CreateFogModifierRadiusLocSimple (player whichPlayer, fogstate whichFogState, location center, real radius, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
native CreateImage (string file, real sizeX, real sizeY, real sizeZ, real posX, real posY, real posZ, real originX, real originY, real originZ, integer imageType) returns image
native CreateImage (string file, real sizeX, real sizeY, real sizeZ, real posX, real posY, real posZ, real originX, real originY, real originZ, integer imageType) returns image
native CreateImage (string file, real sizeX, real sizeY, real sizeZ, real posX, real posY, real posZ, real originX, real originY, real originZ, integer imageType) returns image
native CreateImage (string file, real sizeX, real sizeY, real sizeZ, real posX, real posY, real posZ, real originX, real originY, real originZ, integer imageType) returns image
native CreateImage (string file, real sizeX, real sizeY, real sizeZ, real posX, real posY, real posZ, real originX, real originY, real originZ, integer imageType) returns image
native CreateImage (string file, real sizeX, real sizeY, real sizeZ, real posX, real posY, real posZ, real originX, real originY, real originZ, integer imageType) returns image
native CreateImage (string file, real sizeX, real sizeY, real sizeZ, real posX, real posY, real posZ, real originX, real originY, real originZ, integer imageType) returns image
native CreateImage (string file, real sizeX, real sizeY, real sizeZ, real posX, real posY, real posZ, real originX, real originY, real originZ, integer imageType) returns image
native CreateImage (string file, real sizeX, real sizeY, real sizeZ, real posX, real posY, real posZ, real originX, real originY, real originZ, integer imageType) returns image
function CreateImageBJ (string file, real size, location where, real zOffset, integer imageType) returns image
function CreateImageBJ (string file, real size, location where, real zOffset, integer imageType) returns image
native CreateItem (integer itemid, real x, real y) returns item
native CreateItem (integer itemid, real x, real y) returns item
function CreateNUnitsAtLoc (integer count, integer unitId, player whichPlayer, location loc, real face) returns group
function CreatePermanentCorpseLocBJ (integer style, integer unitid, player whichPlayer, location loc, real facing) returns unit
function CreateTextTagLocBJ (string s, location loc, real zOffset, real size, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns texttag
function CreateTextTagLocBJ (string s, location loc, real zOffset, real size, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns texttag
function CreateTextTagLocBJ (string s, location loc, real zOffset, real size, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns texttag
function CreateTextTagLocBJ (string s, location loc, real zOffset, real size, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns texttag
function CreateTextTagLocBJ (string s, location loc, real zOffset, real size, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns texttag
function CreateTextTagLocBJ (string s, location loc, real zOffset, real size, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns texttag
function CreateTextTagUnitBJ (string s, unit whichUnit, real zOffset, real size, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns texttag
function CreateTextTagUnitBJ (string s, unit whichUnit, real zOffset, real size, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns texttag
function CreateTextTagUnitBJ (string s, unit whichUnit, real zOffset, real size, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns texttag
function CreateTextTagUnitBJ (string s, unit whichUnit, real zOffset, real size, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns texttag
function CreateTextTagUnitBJ (string s, unit whichUnit, real zOffset, real size, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns texttag
function CreateTextTagUnitBJ (string s, unit whichUnit, real zOffset, real size, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns texttag
function CreateTimerBJ (boolean periodic, real timeout) returns timer
native CreateTrackable (string trackableModelPath, real x, real y, real facing) returns trackable
native CreateTrackable (string trackableModelPath, real x, real y, real facing) returns trackable
native CreateTrackable (string trackableModelPath, real x, real y, real facing) returns trackable
native CreateUbersplat (real x, real y, string name, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha, boolean forcePaused, boolean noBirthTime) returns ubersplat
native CreateUbersplat (real x, real y, string name, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha, boolean forcePaused, boolean noBirthTime) returns ubersplat
function CreateUbersplatBJ (location where, string name, real red, real green, real blue, real alpha, boolean forcePaused, boolean noBirthTime) returns ubersplat
function CreateUbersplatBJ (location where, string name, real red, real green, real blue, real alpha, boolean forcePaused, boolean noBirthTime) returns ubersplat
function CreateUbersplatBJ (location where, string name, real red, real green, real blue, real alpha, boolean forcePaused, boolean noBirthTime) returns ubersplat
function CreateUbersplatBJ (location where, string name, real red, real green, real blue, real alpha, boolean forcePaused, boolean noBirthTime) returns ubersplat
native CreateUnit (player id, integer unitid, real x, real y, real face) returns unit
native CreateUnit (player id, integer unitid, real x, real y, real face) returns unit
native CreateUnit (player id, integer unitid, real x, real y, real face) returns unit
native CreateUnitAtLoc (player id, integer unitid, location whichLocation, real face) returns unit
native CreateUnitAtLocByName (player id, string unitname, location whichLocation, real face) returns unit
function CreateUnitAtLocSaveLast (player id, integer unitid, location loc, real face) returns unit
native CreateUnitByName (player whichPlayer, string unitname, real x, real y, real face) returns unit
native CreateUnitByName (player whichPlayer, string unitname, real x, real y, real face) returns unit
native CreateUnitByName (player whichPlayer, string unitname, real x, real y, real face) returns unit
native DefineStartLocation (integer whichStartLoc, real x, real y) returns nothing
native DefineStartLocation (integer whichStartLoc, real x, real y) returns nothing
native Deg2Rad (real degrees) returns real
function DestructableAddIndicatorBJ (destructable whichDestructable, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function DestructableAddIndicatorBJ (destructable whichDestructable, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function DestructableAddIndicatorBJ (destructable whichDestructable, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function DestructableAddIndicatorBJ (destructable whichDestructable, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
native DestructableRestoreLife (destructable d, real life, boolean birth) returns nothing
native DisplayTextToPlayer (player toPlayer, real x, real y, string message) returns nothing
native DisplayTextToPlayer (player toPlayer, real x, real y, string message) returns nothing
native DisplayTimedTextFromPlayer (player toPlayer, real x, real y, real duration, string message) returns nothing
native DisplayTimedTextFromPlayer (player toPlayer, real x, real y, real duration, string message) returns nothing
native DisplayTimedTextFromPlayer (player toPlayer, real x, real y, real duration, string message) returns nothing
function DisplayTimedTextToForce (force toForce, real duration, string message) returns nothing
native DisplayTimedTextToPlayer (player toPlayer, real x, real y, real duration, string message) returns nothing
native DisplayTimedTextToPlayer (player toPlayer, real x, real y, real duration, string message) returns nothing
native DisplayTimedTextToPlayer (player toPlayer, real x, real y, real duration, string message) returns nothing
function DoTransmissionBasicsXYBJ (integer unitId, playercolor color, real x, real y, sound soundHandle, string unitName, string message, real duration) returns nothing
function DoTransmissionBasicsXYBJ (integer unitId, playercolor color, real x, real y, sound soundHandle, string unitName, string message, real duration) returns nothing
function DoTransmissionBasicsXYBJ (integer unitId, playercolor color, real x, real y, sound soundHandle, string unitName, string message, real duration) returns nothing
function EnumDestructablesInCircleBJ (real radius, location loc, code actionFunc) returns nothing
function FinishCinematicFadeAfterBJ (real duration) returns nothing
function GetFadeFromSeconds (real seconds) returns integer
function GetFadeFromSecondsAsReal (real seconds) returns real
native GetRandomReal (real lowBound, real highBound) returns real
native GetRandomReal (real lowBound, real highBound) returns real
function GetRectFromCircleBJ (location center, real radius) returns rect
native GetTerrainCliffLevel (real x, real y) returns integer
native GetTerrainCliffLevel (real x, real y) returns integer
native GetTerrainType (real x, real y) returns integer
native GetTerrainType (real x, real y) returns integer
native GetTerrainVariance (real x, real y) returns integer
native GetTerrainVariance (real x, real y) returns integer
function GetTransmissionDuration (sound soundHandle, integer timeType, real timeVal) returns real
function GetUnitsInRangeOfLocAll (real radius, location whichLocation) returns group
function GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching (real radius, location whichLocation, boolexpr filter) returns group
native GroupEnumUnitsInRange (group whichGroup, real x, real y, real radius, boolexpr filter) returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRange (group whichGroup, real x, real y, real radius, boolexpr filter) returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRange (group whichGroup, real x, real y, real radius, boolexpr filter) returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRangeCounted (group whichGroup, real x, real y, real radius, boolexpr filter, integer countLimit) returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRangeCounted (group whichGroup, real x, real y, real radius, boolexpr filter, integer countLimit) returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRangeCounted (group whichGroup, real x, real y, real radius, boolexpr filter, integer countLimit) returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc (group whichGroup, location whichLocation, real radius, boolexpr filter) returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLocCounted (group whichGroup, location whichLocation, real radius, boolexpr filter, integer countLimit) returns nothing
native GroupPointOrder (group whichGroup, string order, real x, real y) returns boolean
native GroupPointOrder (group whichGroup, string order, real x, real y) returns boolean
native GroupPointOrderById (group whichGroup, integer order, real x, real y) returns boolean
native GroupPointOrderById (group whichGroup, integer order, real x, real y) returns boolean
constant native IsFoggedToPlayer (real x, real y, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsFoggedToPlayer (real x, real y, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsMaskedToPlayer (real x, real y, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsMaskedToPlayer (real x, real y, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
native IsPointBlighted (real x, real y) returns boolean
native IsPointBlighted (real x, real y) returns boolean
native IsPointInRegion (region whichRegion, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IsPointInRegion (region whichRegion, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IssueBuildOrder (unit whichPeon, string unitToBuild, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IssueBuildOrder (unit whichPeon, string unitToBuild, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IssueBuildOrderById (unit whichPeon, integer unitId, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IssueBuildOrderById (unit whichPeon, integer unitId, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IssueInstantPointOrder (unit whichUnit, string order, real x, real y, widget instantTargetWidget) returns boolean
native IssueInstantPointOrder (unit whichUnit, string order, real x, real y, widget instantTargetWidget) returns boolean
native IssueInstantPointOrderById (unit whichUnit, integer order, real x, real y, widget instantTargetWidget) returns boolean
native IssueInstantPointOrderById (unit whichUnit, integer order, real x, real y, widget instantTargetWidget) returns boolean
native IssueNeutralPointOrder (player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, string unitToBuild, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IssueNeutralPointOrder (player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, string unitToBuild, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IssueNeutralPointOrderById (player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, integer unitId, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IssueNeutralPointOrderById (player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, integer unitId, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IssuePointOrder (unit whichUnit, string order, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IssuePointOrder (unit whichUnit, string order, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IssuePointOrderById (unit whichUnit, integer order, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IssuePointOrderById (unit whichUnit, integer order, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IsTerrainPathable (real x, real y, pathingtype t) returns boolean
native IsTerrainPathable (real x, real y, pathingtype t) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitInRange (unit whichUnit, unit otherUnit, real distance) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitInRangeLoc (unit whichUnit, location whichLocation, real distance) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitInRangeXY (unit whichUnit, real x, real y, real distance) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitInRangeXY (unit whichUnit, real x, real y, real distance) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitInRangeXY (unit whichUnit, real x, real y, real distance) returns boolean
constant native IsVisibleToPlayer (real x, real y, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsVisibleToPlayer (real x, real y, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
function ItemAddIndicatorBJ (item whichItem, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function ItemAddIndicatorBJ (item whichItem, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function ItemAddIndicatorBJ (item whichItem, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function ItemAddIndicatorBJ (item whichItem, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
native ItemPoolAddItemType (itempool whichItemPool, integer itemId, real weight) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetLabelColorBJ (leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetLabelColorBJ (leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetLabelColorBJ (leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetLabelColorBJ (leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemLabelColorBJ (player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemLabelColorBJ (player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemLabelColorBJ (player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemLabelColorBJ (player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemValueColorBJ (player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemValueColorBJ (player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemValueColorBJ (player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemValueColorBJ (player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetValueColorBJ (leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetValueColorBJ (leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetValueColorBJ (leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetValueColorBJ (leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
native Location (real x, real y) returns location
native Location (real x, real y) returns location
function MeleeClearNearbyUnits (real x, real y, real range) returns nothing
function MeleeClearNearbyUnits (real x, real y, real range) returns nothing
function MeleeClearNearbyUnits (real x, real y, real range) returns nothing
function MeleeFindNearestMine (location src, real range) returns unit
function MeleeGetNearestValueWithin (real val, real minVal, real maxVal) returns real
function MeleeGetNearestValueWithin (real val, real minVal, real maxVal) returns real
function MeleeGetNearestValueWithin (real val, real minVal, real maxVal) returns real
function MeleeGetProjectedLoc (location src, location targ, real distance, real deltaAngle) returns location
function MeleeGetProjectedLoc (location src, location targ, real distance, real deltaAngle) returns location
function ModuloReal (real dividend, real divisor) returns real
function ModuloReal (real dividend, real divisor) returns real
native MoveLightning (lightning whichBolt, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2) returns boolean
native MoveLightning (lightning whichBolt, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2) returns boolean
native MoveLightning (lightning whichBolt, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2) returns boolean
native MoveLightning (lightning whichBolt, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2) returns boolean
native MoveLightningEx (lightning whichBolt, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2) returns boolean
native MoveLightningEx (lightning whichBolt, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2) returns boolean
native MoveLightningEx (lightning whichBolt, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2) returns boolean
native MoveLightningEx (lightning whichBolt, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2) returns boolean
native MoveLightningEx (lightning whichBolt, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2) returns boolean
native MoveLightningEx (lightning whichBolt, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2) returns boolean
native MoveLocation (location whichLocation, real newX, real newY) returns nothing
native MoveLocation (location whichLocation, real newX, real newY) returns nothing
native MoveRectTo (rect whichRect, real newCenterX, real newCenterY) returns nothing
native MoveRectTo (rect whichRect, real newCenterX, real newCenterY) returns nothing
function MultiboardSetItemColorBJ (multiboard mb, integer col, integer row, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function MultiboardSetItemColorBJ (multiboard mb, integer col, integer row, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function MultiboardSetItemColorBJ (multiboard mb, integer col, integer row, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function MultiboardSetItemColorBJ (multiboard mb, integer col, integer row, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
native MultiboardSetItemsWidth (multiboard lb, real width) returns nothing
native MultiboardSetItemWidth (multiboarditem mbi, real width) returns nothing
function MultiboardSetItemWidthBJ (multiboard mb, integer col, integer row, real width) returns nothing
function MultiboardSetTitleTextColorBJ (multiboard mb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function MultiboardSetTitleTextColorBJ (multiboard mb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function MultiboardSetTitleTextColorBJ (multiboard mb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function MultiboardSetTitleTextColorBJ (multiboard mb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function NearbyElevatorExists (real x, real y) returns boolean
function NearbyElevatorExists (real x, real y) returns boolean
function OffsetLocation (location loc, real dx, real dy) returns location
function OffsetLocation (location loc, real dx, real dy) returns location
function OffsetRectBJ (rect r, real dx, real dy) returns rect
function OffsetRectBJ (rect r, real dx, real dy) returns rect
native PanCameraTo (real x, real y) returns nothing
native PanCameraTo (real x, real y) returns nothing
function PanCameraToForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real x, real y) returns nothing
function PanCameraToForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real x, real y) returns nothing
native PanCameraToTimed (real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
native PanCameraToTimed (real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
native PanCameraToTimed (real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
function PanCameraToTimedForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
function PanCameraToTimedForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
function PanCameraToTimedForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
function PanCameraToTimedLocForPlayer (player whichPlayer, location loc, real duration) returns nothing
function PanCameraToTimedLocWithZForPlayer (player whichPlayer, location loc, real zOffset, real duration) returns nothing
function PanCameraToTimedLocWithZForPlayer (player whichPlayer, location loc, real zOffset, real duration) returns nothing
native PanCameraToTimedWithZ (real x, real y, real zOffsetDest, real duration) returns nothing
native PanCameraToTimedWithZ (real x, real y, real zOffsetDest, real duration) returns nothing
native PanCameraToTimedWithZ (real x, real y, real zOffsetDest, real duration) returns nothing
native PanCameraToTimedWithZ (real x, real y, real zOffsetDest, real duration) returns nothing
native PanCameraToWithZ (real x, real y, real zOffsetDest) returns nothing
native PanCameraToWithZ (real x, real y, real zOffsetDest) returns nothing
native PanCameraToWithZ (real x, real y, real zOffsetDest) returns nothing
function PercentTo255 (real percentage) returns integer
function PercentToInt (real percentage, integer max) returns integer
native PingMinimap (real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
native PingMinimap (real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
native PingMinimap (real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
native PingMinimapEx (real x, real y, real duration, integer red, integer green, integer blue, boolean extraEffects) returns nothing
native PingMinimapEx (real x, real y, real duration, integer red, integer green, integer blue, boolean extraEffects) returns nothing
native PingMinimapEx (real x, real y, real duration, integer red, integer green, integer blue, boolean extraEffects) returns nothing
function PingMinimapForForce (force whichForce, real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
function PingMinimapForForce (force whichForce, real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
function PingMinimapForForce (force whichForce, real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
function PingMinimapForForceEx (force whichForce, real x, real y, real duration, integer style, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
function PingMinimapForForceEx (force whichForce, real x, real y, real duration, integer style, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
function PingMinimapForForceEx (force whichForce, real x, real y, real duration, integer style, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
function PingMinimapForForceEx (force whichForce, real x, real y, real duration, integer style, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
function PingMinimapForForceEx (force whichForce, real x, real y, real duration, integer style, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
function PingMinimapForForceEx (force whichForce, real x, real y, real duration, integer style, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
function PingMinimapForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
function PingMinimapForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
function PingMinimapForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
function PingMinimapLocForForce (force whichForce, location loc, real duration) returns nothing
function PingMinimapLocForForceEx (force whichForce, location loc, real duration, integer style, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
function PingMinimapLocForForceEx (force whichForce, location loc, real duration, integer style, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
function PingMinimapLocForForceEx (force whichForce, location loc, real duration, integer style, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
function PingMinimapLocForForceEx (force whichForce, location loc, real duration, integer style, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
function PingMinimapLocForPlayer (player whichPlayer, location loc, real duration) returns nothing
native PlaceRandomItem (itempool whichItemPool, real x, real y) returns item
native PlaceRandomItem (itempool whichItemPool, real x, real y) returns item
native PlaceRandomUnit (unitpool whichPool, player forWhichPlayer, real x, real y, real facing) returns unit
native PlaceRandomUnit (unitpool whichPool, player forWhichPlayer, real x, real y, real facing) returns unit
native PlaceRandomUnit (unitpool whichPool, player forWhichPlayer, real x, real y, real facing) returns unit
function PlayMusicExBJ (string musicFileName, real startingOffset, real fadeInTime) returns nothing
function PlayMusicExBJ (string musicFileName, real startingOffset, real fadeInTime) returns nothing
function PlaySoundAtPointBJ (sound soundHandle, real volumePercent, location loc, real z) returns nothing
function PlaySoundAtPointBJ (sound soundHandle, real volumePercent, location loc, real z) returns nothing
function PlaySoundFromOffsetBJ (sound soundHandle, real volumePercent, real startingOffset) returns nothing
function PlaySoundFromOffsetBJ (sound soundHandle, real volumePercent, real startingOffset) returns nothing
function PlaySoundOnUnitBJ (sound soundHandle, real volumePercent, unit whichUnit) returns nothing
function PlayThematicMusicExBJ (string musicName, real startingOffset) returns nothing
function PolarProjectionBJ (location source, real dist, real angle) returns location
function PolarProjectionBJ (location source, real dist, real angle) returns location
function PolledWait (real duration) returns nothing
native Pow (real x, real power) returns real
native Pow (real x, real power) returns real
native PreloadEnd (real timeout) returns nothing
native R2I (real r) returns integer
native R2S (real r) returns string
native R2SW (real r, integer width, integer precision) returns string
function RAbsBJ (real a) returns real
native Rad2Deg (real radians) returns real
native Rect (real minx, real miny, real maxx, real maxy) returns rect
native Rect (real minx, real miny, real maxx, real maxy) returns rect
native Rect (real minx, real miny, real maxx, real maxy) returns rect
native Rect (real minx, real miny, real maxx, real maxy) returns rect
function RectContainsCoords (rect r, real x, real y) returns boolean
function RectContainsCoords (rect r, real x, real y) returns boolean
function RectFromCenterSizeBJ (location center, real width, real height) returns rect
function RectFromCenterSizeBJ (location center, real width, real height) returns rect
native RegionAddCell (region whichRegion, real x, real y) returns nothing
native RegionAddCell (region whichRegion, real x, real y) returns nothing
native RegionClearCell (region whichRegion, real x, real y) returns nothing
native RegionClearCell (region whichRegion, real x, real y) returns nothing
native RegisterStackedSound (sound soundHandle, boolean byPosition, real rectwidth, real rectheight) returns nothing
native RegisterStackedSound (sound soundHandle, boolean byPosition, real rectwidth, real rectheight) returns nothing
native ResetToGameCamera (real duration) returns nothing
function ResetToGameCameraForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real duration) returns nothing
native RestoreUnit (gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key, player forWhichPlayer, real x, real y, real facing) returns unit
native RestoreUnit (gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key, player forWhichPlayer, real x, real y, real facing) returns unit
native RestoreUnit (gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key, player forWhichPlayer, real x, real y, real facing) returns unit
function RestoreUnitLocFacingAngleBJ (string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache, player forWhichPlayer, location loc, real facing) returns unit
native ReviveHero (unit whichHero, real x, real y, boolean doEyecandy) returns boolean
native ReviveHero (unit whichHero, real x, real y, boolean doEyecandy) returns boolean
function RMaxBJ (real a, real b) returns real
function RMaxBJ (real a, real b) returns real
function RMinBJ (real a, real b) returns real
function RMinBJ (real a, real b) returns real
function RotateCameraAroundLocBJ (real degrees, location loc, player whichPlayer, real duration) returns nothing
function RotateCameraAroundLocBJ (real degrees, location loc, player whichPlayer, real duration) returns nothing
function RSignBJ (real a) returns real
native SaveReal (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, real value) returns nothing
function SaveRealBJ (real value, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns nothing
native SetBlight (player whichPlayer, real x, real y, real radius, boolean addBlight) returns nothing
native SetBlight (player whichPlayer, real x, real y, real radius, boolean addBlight) returns nothing
native SetBlight (player whichPlayer, real x, real y, real radius, boolean addBlight) returns nothing
native SetBlightLoc (player whichPlayer, location whichLocation, real radius, boolean addBlight) returns nothing
native SetBlightPoint (player whichPlayer, real x, real y, boolean addBlight) returns nothing
native SetBlightPoint (player whichPlayer, real x, real y, boolean addBlight) returns nothing
function SetBlightRadiusLocBJ (boolean addBlight, player whichPlayer, location loc, real radius) returns nothing
native SetCameraBounds (real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2, real x3, real y3, real x4, real y4) returns nothing
native SetCameraBounds (real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2, real x3, real y3, real x4, real y4) returns nothing
native SetCameraBounds (real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2, real x3, real y3, real x4, real y4) returns nothing
native SetCameraBounds (real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2, real x3, real y3, real x4, real y4) returns nothing
native SetCameraBounds (real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2, real x3, real y3, real x4, real y4) returns nothing
native SetCameraBounds (real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2, real x3, real y3, real x4, real y4) returns nothing
native SetCameraBounds (real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2, real x3, real y3, real x4, real y4) returns nothing
native SetCameraBounds (real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2, real x3, real y3, real x4, real y4) returns nothing
native SetCameraField (camerafield whichField, real value, real duration) returns nothing
native SetCameraField (camerafield whichField, real value, real duration) returns nothing
function SetCameraFieldForPlayer (player whichPlayer, camerafield whichField, real value, real duration) returns nothing
function SetCameraFieldForPlayer (player whichPlayer, camerafield whichField, real value, real duration) returns nothing
native SetCameraOrientController (unit whichUnit, real xoffset, real yoffset) returns nothing
native SetCameraOrientController (unit whichUnit, real xoffset, real yoffset) returns nothing
function SetCameraOrientControllerForPlayerBJ (player whichPlayer, unit whichUnit, real xoffset, real yoffset) returns nothing
function SetCameraOrientControllerForPlayerBJ (player whichPlayer, unit whichUnit, real xoffset, real yoffset) returns nothing
native SetCameraPosition (real x, real y) returns nothing
native SetCameraPosition (real x, real y) returns nothing
function SetCameraPositionForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real x, real y) returns nothing
function SetCameraPositionForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real x, real y) returns nothing
native SetCameraQuickPosition (real x, real y) returns nothing
native SetCameraQuickPosition (real x, real y) returns nothing
function SetCameraQuickPositionForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real x, real y) returns nothing
function SetCameraQuickPositionForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real x, real y) returns nothing
native SetCameraRotateMode (real x, real y, real radiansToSweep, real duration) returns nothing
native SetCameraRotateMode (real x, real y, real radiansToSweep, real duration) returns nothing
native SetCameraRotateMode (real x, real y, real radiansToSweep, real duration) returns nothing
native SetCameraRotateMode (real x, real y, real radiansToSweep, real duration) returns nothing
native SetCameraTargetController (unit whichUnit, real xoffset, real yoffset, boolean inheritOrientation) returns nothing
native SetCameraTargetController (unit whichUnit, real xoffset, real yoffset, boolean inheritOrientation) returns nothing
function SetCameraTargetControllerNoZForPlayer (player whichPlayer, unit whichUnit, real xoffset, real yoffset, boolean inheritOrientation) returns nothing
function SetCameraTargetControllerNoZForPlayer (player whichPlayer, unit whichUnit, real xoffset, real yoffset, boolean inheritOrientation) returns nothing
native SetCaptainHome (integer which, real x, real y) returns nothing
native SetCaptainHome (integer which, real x, real y) returns nothing
native SetCineFilterDuration (real duration) returns nothing
native SetCineFilterEndUV (real minu, real minv, real maxu, real maxv) returns nothing
native SetCineFilterEndUV (real minu, real minv, real maxu, real maxv) returns nothing
native SetCineFilterEndUV (real minu, real minv, real maxu, real maxv) returns nothing
native SetCineFilterEndUV (real minu, real minv, real maxu, real maxv) returns nothing
native SetCineFilterStartUV (real minu, real minv, real maxu, real maxv) returns nothing
native SetCineFilterStartUV (real minu, real minv, real maxu, real maxv) returns nothing
native SetCineFilterStartUV (real minu, real minv, real maxu, real maxv) returns nothing
native SetCineFilterStartUV (real minu, real minv, real maxu, real maxv) returns nothing
native SetCinematicScene (integer portraitUnitId, playercolor color, string speakerTitle, string text, real sceneDuration, real voiceoverDuration) returns nothing
native SetCinematicScene (integer portraitUnitId, playercolor color, string speakerTitle, string text, real sceneDuration, real voiceoverDuration) returns nothing
function SetCinematicSceneBJ (sound soundHandle, integer portraitUnitId, playercolor color, string speakerTitle, string text, real sceneDuration, real voiceoverDuration) returns nothing
function SetCinematicSceneBJ (sound soundHandle, integer portraitUnitId, playercolor color, string speakerTitle, string text, real sceneDuration, real voiceoverDuration) returns nothing
function SetDestAnimationSpeedPercent (destructable d, real percentScale) returns nothing
native SetDestructableAnimationSpeed (destructable d, real speedFactor) returns nothing
native SetDestructableLife (destructable d, real life) returns nothing
function SetDestructableLifePercentBJ (destructable d, real percent) returns nothing
native SetDestructableMaxLife (destructable d, real max) returns nothing
function SetDestructableMaxLifeBJ (destructable d, real max) returns nothing
native SetDestructableOccluderHeight (destructable d, real height) returns nothing
native SetDoodadAnimation (real x, real y, real radius, integer doodadID, boolean nearestOnly, string animName, boolean animRandom) returns nothing
native SetDoodadAnimation (real x, real y, real radius, integer doodadID, boolean nearestOnly, string animName, boolean animRandom) returns nothing
native SetDoodadAnimation (real x, real y, real radius, integer doodadID, boolean nearestOnly, string animName, boolean animRandom) returns nothing
function SetDoodadAnimationBJ (string animName, integer doodadID, real radius, location center) returns nothing
native SetFloatGameState (fgamestate whichFloatGameState, real value) returns nothing
native SetFogStateRadius (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, real centerx, real centerY, real radius, boolean useSharedVision) returns nothing
native SetFogStateRadius (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, real centerx, real centerY, real radius, boolean useSharedVision) returns nothing
native SetFogStateRadius (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, real centerx, real centerY, real radius, boolean useSharedVision) returns nothing
native SetFogStateRadiusLoc (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, location center, real radius, boolean useSharedVision) returns nothing
function SetImageColorBJ (image whichImage, real red, real green, real blue, real alpha) returns nothing
function SetImageColorBJ (image whichImage, real red, real green, real blue, real alpha) returns nothing
function SetImageColorBJ (image whichImage, real red, real green, real blue, real alpha) returns nothing
function SetImageColorBJ (image whichImage, real red, real green, real blue, real alpha) returns nothing
native SetImageConstantHeight (image whichImage, boolean flag, real height) returns nothing
native SetImagePosition (image whichImage, real x, real y, real z) returns nothing
native SetImagePosition (image whichImage, real x, real y, real z) returns nothing
native SetImagePosition (image whichImage, real x, real y, real z) returns nothing
function SetImagePositionBJ (image whichImage, location where, real zOffset) returns nothing
function SetItemLifeBJ (widget whichWidget, real life) returns nothing
native SetItemPosition (item i, real x, real y) returns nothing
native SetItemPosition (item i, real x, real y) returns nothing
native SetLightningColor (lightning whichBolt, real r, real g, real b, real a) returns boolean
native SetLightningColor (lightning whichBolt, real r, real g, real b, real a) returns boolean
native SetLightningColor (lightning whichBolt, real r, real g, real b, real a) returns boolean
native SetLightningColor (lightning whichBolt, real r, real g, real b, real a) returns boolean
function SetLightningColorBJ (lightning whichBolt, real r, real g, real b, real a) returns boolean
function SetLightningColorBJ (lightning whichBolt, real r, real g, real b, real a) returns boolean
function SetLightningColorBJ (lightning whichBolt, real r, real g, real b, real a) returns boolean
function SetLightningColorBJ (lightning whichBolt, real r, real g, real b, real a) returns boolean
function SetMusicOffsetBJ (real newOffset) returns nothing
function SetMusicVolumeBJ (real volumePercent) returns nothing
constant native SetPlayerHandicap (player whichPlayer, real handicap) returns nothing
function SetPlayerHandicapBJ (player whichPlayer, real handicapPercent) returns nothing
constant native SetPlayerHandicapXP (player whichPlayer, real handicap) returns nothing
function SetPlayerHandicapXPBJ (player whichPlayer, real handicapPercent) returns nothing
native SetRect (rect whichRect, real minx, real miny, real maxx, real maxy) returns nothing
native SetRect (rect whichRect, real minx, real miny, real maxx, real maxy) returns nothing
native SetRect (rect whichRect, real minx, real miny, real maxx, real maxy) returns nothing
native SetRect (rect whichRect, real minx, real miny, real maxx, real maxy) returns nothing
native SetSoundConeAngles (sound soundHandle, real inside, real outside, integer outsideVolume) returns nothing
native SetSoundConeAngles (sound soundHandle, real inside, real outside, integer outsideVolume) returns nothing
function SetSoundConeAnglesBJ (sound soundHandle, real inside, real outside, real outsideVolumePercent) returns nothing
function SetSoundConeAnglesBJ (sound soundHandle, real inside, real outside, real outsideVolumePercent) returns nothing
function SetSoundConeAnglesBJ (sound soundHandle, real inside, real outside, real outsideVolumePercent) returns nothing
native SetSoundConeOrientation (sound soundHandle, real x, real y, real z) returns nothing
native SetSoundConeOrientation (sound soundHandle, real x, real y, real z) returns nothing
native SetSoundConeOrientation (sound soundHandle, real x, real y, real z) returns nothing
native SetSoundDistanceCutoff (sound soundHandle, real cutoff) returns nothing
function SetSoundDistanceCutoffBJ (sound soundHandle, real cutoff) returns nothing
native SetSoundDistances (sound soundHandle, real minDist, real maxDist) returns nothing
native SetSoundDistances (sound soundHandle, real minDist, real maxDist) returns nothing
function SetSoundOffsetBJ (real newOffset, sound soundHandle) returns nothing
native SetSoundPitch (sound soundHandle, real pitch) returns nothing
function SetSoundPitchBJ (sound soundHandle, real pitch) returns nothing
native SetSoundPosition (sound soundHandle, real x, real y, real z) returns nothing
native SetSoundPosition (sound soundHandle, real x, real y, real z) returns nothing
native SetSoundPosition (sound soundHandle, real x, real y, real z) returns nothing
function SetSoundPositionLocBJ (sound soundHandle, location loc, real z) returns nothing
native SetSoundVelocity (sound soundHandle, real x, real y, real z) returns nothing
native SetSoundVelocity (sound soundHandle, real x, real y, real z) returns nothing
native SetSoundVelocity (sound soundHandle, real x, real y, real z) returns nothing
function SetSoundVolumeBJ (sound soundHandle, real volumePercent) returns nothing
native SetStagePoint (real x, real y) returns nothing
native SetStagePoint (real x, real y) returns nothing
native SetTerrainFog (real a, real b, real c, real d, real e) returns nothing
native SetTerrainFog (real a, real b, real c, real d, real e) returns nothing
native SetTerrainFog (real a, real b, real c, real d, real e) returns nothing
native SetTerrainFog (real a, real b, real c, real d, real e) returns nothing
native SetTerrainFog (real a, real b, real c, real d, real e) returns nothing
native SetTerrainFogEx (integer style, real zstart, real zend, real density, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
native SetTerrainFogEx (integer style, real zstart, real zend, real density, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
native SetTerrainFogEx (integer style, real zstart, real zend, real density, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
native SetTerrainFogEx (integer style, real zstart, real zend, real density, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
native SetTerrainFogEx (integer style, real zstart, real zend, real density, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
native SetTerrainFogEx (integer style, real zstart, real zend, real density, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
function SetTerrainFogExBJ (integer style, real zstart, real zend, real density, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
function SetTerrainFogExBJ (integer style, real zstart, real zend, real density, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
function SetTerrainFogExBJ (integer style, real zstart, real zend, real density, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
function SetTerrainFogExBJ (integer style, real zstart, real zend, real density, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
function SetTerrainFogExBJ (integer style, real zstart, real zend, real density, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
function SetTerrainFogExBJ (integer style, real zstart, real zend, real density, real red, real green, real blue) returns nothing
native SetTerrainPathable (real x, real y, pathingtype t, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetTerrainPathable (real x, real y, pathingtype t, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetTerrainType (real x, real y, integer terrainType, integer variation, integer area, integer shape) returns nothing
native SetTerrainType (real x, real y, integer terrainType, integer variation, integer area, integer shape) returns nothing
native SetTextTagAge (texttag t, real age) returns nothing
function SetTextTagAgeBJ (texttag tt, real age) returns nothing
function SetTextTagColorBJ (texttag tt, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function SetTextTagColorBJ (texttag tt, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function SetTextTagColorBJ (texttag tt, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function SetTextTagColorBJ (texttag tt, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
native SetTextTagFadepoint (texttag t, real fadepoint) returns nothing
function SetTextTagFadepointBJ (texttag tt, real fadepoint) returns nothing
native SetTextTagLifespan (texttag t, real lifespan) returns nothing
function SetTextTagLifespanBJ (texttag tt, real lifespan) returns nothing
native SetTextTagPos (texttag t, real x, real y, real heightOffset) returns nothing
native SetTextTagPos (texttag t, real x, real y, real heightOffset) returns nothing
native SetTextTagPos (texttag t, real x, real y, real heightOffset) returns nothing
function SetTextTagPosBJ (texttag tt, location loc, real zOffset) returns nothing
native SetTextTagPosUnit (texttag t, unit whichUnit, real heightOffset) returns nothing
function SetTextTagPosUnitBJ (texttag tt, unit whichUnit, real zOffset) returns nothing
native SetTextTagText (texttag t, string s, real height) returns nothing
function SetTextTagTextBJ (texttag tt, string s, real size) returns nothing
native SetTextTagVelocity (texttag t, real xvel, real yvel) returns nothing
native SetTextTagVelocity (texttag t, real xvel, real yvel) returns nothing
function SetTextTagVelocityBJ (texttag tt, real speed, real angle) returns nothing
function SetTextTagVelocityBJ (texttag tt, real speed, real angle) returns nothing
function SetThematicMusicOffsetBJ (real newOffset) returns nothing
function SetTimeOfDay (real whatTime) returns nothing
native SetTimeOfDayScale (real r) returns nothing
function SetTimeOfDayScalePercentBJ (real scalePercent) returns nothing
native SetUnitAcquireRange (unit whichUnit, real newAcquireRange) returns nothing
function SetUnitAcquireRangeBJ (unit whichUnit, real acquireRange) returns nothing
native SetUnitBlendTime (unit whichUnit, real blendTime) returns nothing
function SetUnitBlendTimeBJ (unit whichUnit, real blendTime) returns nothing
native SetUnitFacing (unit whichUnit, real facingAngle) returns nothing
native SetUnitFacingTimed (unit whichUnit, real facingAngle, real duration) returns nothing
native SetUnitFacingTimed (unit whichUnit, real facingAngle, real duration) returns nothing
function SetUnitFacingToFaceLocTimed (unit whichUnit, location target, real duration) returns nothing
function SetUnitFacingToFaceUnitTimed (unit whichUnit, unit target, real duration) returns nothing
native SetUnitFlyHeight (unit whichUnit, real newHeight, real rate) returns nothing
native SetUnitFlyHeight (unit whichUnit, real newHeight, real rate) returns nothing
function SetUnitFlyHeightBJ (unit whichUnit, real newHeight, real rate) returns nothing
function SetUnitFlyHeightBJ (unit whichUnit, real newHeight, real rate) returns nothing
native SetUnitFog (real a, real b, real c, real d, real e) returns nothing
native SetUnitFog (real a, real b, real c, real d, real e) returns nothing
native SetUnitFog (real a, real b, real c, real d, real e) returns nothing
native SetUnitFog (real a, real b, real c, real d, real e) returns nothing
native SetUnitFog (real a, real b, real c, real d, real e) returns nothing
function SetUnitLifeBJ (unit whichUnit, real newValue) returns nothing
function SetUnitLifePercentBJ (unit whichUnit, real percent) returns nothing
native SetUnitLookAt (unit whichUnit, string whichBone, unit lookAtTarget, real offsetX, real offsetY, real offsetZ) returns nothing
native SetUnitLookAt (unit whichUnit, string whichBone, unit lookAtTarget, real offsetX, real offsetY, real offsetZ) returns nothing
native SetUnitLookAt (unit whichUnit, string whichBone, unit lookAtTarget, real offsetX, real offsetY, real offsetZ) returns nothing
function SetUnitManaBJ (unit whichUnit, real newValue) returns nothing
function SetUnitManaPercentBJ (unit whichUnit, real percent) returns nothing
native SetUnitMoveSpeed (unit whichUnit, real newSpeed) returns nothing
native SetUnitPosition (unit whichUnit, real newX, real newY) returns nothing
native SetUnitPosition (unit whichUnit, real newX, real newY) returns nothing
function SetUnitPositionLocFacingBJ (unit whichUnit, location loc, real facing) returns nothing
native SetUnitPropWindow (unit whichUnit, real newPropWindowAngle) returns nothing
function SetUnitPropWindowBJ (unit whichUnit, real propWindow) returns nothing
native SetUnitRescueRange (unit whichUnit, real range) returns nothing
native SetUnitScale (unit whichUnit, real scaleX, real scaleY, real scaleZ) returns nothing
native SetUnitScale (unit whichUnit, real scaleX, real scaleY, real scaleZ) returns nothing
native SetUnitScale (unit whichUnit, real scaleX, real scaleY, real scaleZ) returns nothing
function SetUnitScalePercent (unit whichUnit, real percentScaleX, real percentScaleY, real percentScaleZ) returns nothing
function SetUnitScalePercent (unit whichUnit, real percentScaleX, real percentScaleY, real percentScaleZ) returns nothing
function SetUnitScalePercent (unit whichUnit, real percentScaleX, real percentScaleY, real percentScaleZ) returns nothing
native SetUnitState (unit whichUnit, unitstate whichUnitState, real newVal) returns nothing
native SetUnitTimeScale (unit whichUnit, real timeScale) returns nothing
function SetUnitTimeScalePercent (unit whichUnit, real percentScale) returns nothing
native SetUnitTurnSpeed (unit whichUnit, real newTurnSpeed) returns nothing
function SetUnitTurnSpeedBJ (unit whichUnit, real turnSpeed) returns nothing
function SetUnitVertexColorBJ (unit whichUnit, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function SetUnitVertexColorBJ (unit whichUnit, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function SetUnitVertexColorBJ (unit whichUnit, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function SetUnitVertexColorBJ (unit whichUnit, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
native SetUnitX (unit whichUnit, real newX) returns nothing
native SetUnitY (unit whichUnit, real newY) returns nothing
function SetWaterBaseColorBJ (real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function SetWaterBaseColorBJ (real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function SetWaterBaseColorBJ (real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function SetWaterBaseColorBJ (real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
native SetWidgetLife (widget whichWidget, real newLife) returns nothing
native ShiftTownSpot (real x, real y) returns nothing
native ShiftTownSpot (real x, real y) returns nothing
native ShowInterface (boolean flag, real fadeDuration) returns nothing
function ShowInterfaceForceOff (force whichForce, real fadeDuration) returns nothing
function ShowInterfaceForceOn (force whichForce, real fadeDuration) returns nothing
native Sin (real radians) returns real
function SinBJ (real degrees) returns real
native Sleep (real seconds) returns nothing
function SmartCameraPanBJ (player whichPlayer, location loc, real duration) returns nothing
native SquareRoot (real x) returns real
function StaggerSleep (real base, real spread) returns nothing
function StaggerSleep (real base, real spread) returns nothing
function StartTimerBJ (timer t, boolean periodic, real timeout) returns timer
native StoreReal (gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key, real value) returns nothing
function StoreRealBJ (real value, string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache) returns nothing
native Tan (real radians) returns real
function TanBJ (real degrees) returns real
native TeleportCaptain (real x, real y) returns nothing
native TeleportCaptain (real x, real y) returns nothing
function TerrainDeformationCraterBJ (real duration, boolean permanent, location where, real radius, real depth) returns terraindeformation
function TerrainDeformationCraterBJ (real duration, boolean permanent, location where, real radius, real depth) returns terraindeformation
function TerrainDeformationCraterBJ (real duration, boolean permanent, location where, real radius, real depth) returns terraindeformation
function TerrainDeformationRandomBJ (real duration, location where, real radius, real minDelta, real maxDelta, real updateInterval) returns terraindeformation
function TerrainDeformationRandomBJ (real duration, location where, real radius, real minDelta, real maxDelta, real updateInterval) returns terraindeformation
function TerrainDeformationRandomBJ (real duration, location where, real radius, real minDelta, real maxDelta, real updateInterval) returns terraindeformation
function TerrainDeformationRandomBJ (real duration, location where, real radius, real minDelta, real maxDelta, real updateInterval) returns terraindeformation
function TerrainDeformationRandomBJ (real duration, location where, real radius, real minDelta, real maxDelta, real updateInterval) returns terraindeformation
function TerrainDeformationRippleBJ (real duration, boolean limitNeg, location where, real startRadius, real endRadius, real depth, real wavePeriod, real waveWidth) returns terraindeformation
function TerrainDeformationRippleBJ (real duration, boolean limitNeg, location where, real startRadius, real endRadius, real depth, real wavePeriod, real waveWidth) returns terraindeformation
function TerrainDeformationRippleBJ (real duration, boolean limitNeg, location where, real startRadius, real endRadius, real depth, real wavePeriod, real waveWidth) returns terraindeformation
function TerrainDeformationRippleBJ (real duration, boolean limitNeg, location where, real startRadius, real endRadius, real depth, real wavePeriod, real waveWidth) returns terraindeformation
function TerrainDeformationRippleBJ (real duration, boolean limitNeg, location where, real startRadius, real endRadius, real depth, real wavePeriod, real waveWidth) returns terraindeformation
function TerrainDeformationRippleBJ (real duration, boolean limitNeg, location where, real startRadius, real endRadius, real depth, real wavePeriod, real waveWidth) returns terraindeformation
function TerrainDeformationStopBJ (terraindeformation deformation, real duration) returns nothing
function TerrainDeformationWaveBJ (real duration, location source, location target, real radius, real depth, real trailDelay) returns terraindeformation
function TerrainDeformationWaveBJ (real duration, location source, location target, real radius, real depth, real trailDelay) returns terraindeformation
function TerrainDeformationWaveBJ (real duration, location source, location target, real radius, real depth, real trailDelay) returns terraindeformation
function TerrainDeformationWaveBJ (real duration, location source, location target, real radius, real depth, real trailDelay) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformCrater (real x, real y, real radius, real depth, integer duration, boolean permanent) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformCrater (real x, real y, real radius, real depth, integer duration, boolean permanent) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformCrater (real x, real y, real radius, real depth, integer duration, boolean permanent) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformCrater (real x, real y, real radius, real depth, integer duration, boolean permanent) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformRandom (real x, real y, real radius, real minDelta, real maxDelta, integer duration, integer updateInterval) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformRandom (real x, real y, real radius, real minDelta, real maxDelta, integer duration, integer updateInterval) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformRandom (real x, real y, real radius, real minDelta, real maxDelta, integer duration, integer updateInterval) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformRandom (real x, real y, real radius, real minDelta, real maxDelta, integer duration, integer updateInterval) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformRandom (real x, real y, real radius, real minDelta, real maxDelta, integer duration, integer updateInterval) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformRipple (real x, real y, real radius, real depth, integer duration, integer count, real spaceWaves, real timeWaves, real radiusStartPct, boolean limitNeg) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformRipple (real x, real y, real radius, real depth, integer duration, integer count, real spaceWaves, real timeWaves, real radiusStartPct, boolean limitNeg) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformRipple (real x, real y, real radius, real depth, integer duration, integer count, real spaceWaves, real timeWaves, real radiusStartPct, boolean limitNeg) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformRipple (real x, real y, real radius, real depth, integer duration, integer count, real spaceWaves, real timeWaves, real radiusStartPct, boolean limitNeg) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformRipple (real x, real y, real radius, real depth, integer duration, integer count, real spaceWaves, real timeWaves, real radiusStartPct, boolean limitNeg) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformRipple (real x, real y, real radius, real depth, integer duration, integer count, real spaceWaves, real timeWaves, real radiusStartPct, boolean limitNeg) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformRipple (real x, real y, real radius, real depth, integer duration, integer count, real spaceWaves, real timeWaves, real radiusStartPct, boolean limitNeg) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformWave (real x, real y, real dirX, real dirY, real distance, real speed, real radius, real depth, integer trailTime, integer count) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformWave (real x, real y, real dirX, real dirY, real distance, real speed, real radius, real depth, integer trailTime, integer count) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformWave (real x, real y, real dirX, real dirY, real distance, real speed, real radius, real depth, integer trailTime, integer count) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformWave (real x, real y, real dirX, real dirY, real distance, real speed, real radius, real depth, integer trailTime, integer count) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformWave (real x, real y, real dirX, real dirY, real distance, real speed, real radius, real depth, integer trailTime, integer count) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformWave (real x, real y, real dirX, real dirY, real distance, real speed, real radius, real depth, integer trailTime, integer count) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformWave (real x, real y, real dirX, real dirY, real distance, real speed, real radius, real depth, integer trailTime, integer count) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformWave (real x, real y, real dirX, real dirY, real distance, real speed, real radius, real depth, integer trailTime, integer count) returns terraindeformation
function TextTagSize2Height (real size) returns real
function TextTagSpeed2Velocity (real speed) returns real
native TimerDialogSetRealTimeRemaining (timerdialog whichDialog, real timeRemaining) returns nothing
native TimerDialogSetSpeed (timerdialog whichDialog, real speedMultFactor) returns nothing
function TimerDialogSetSpeedBJ (timerdialog td, real speedMultFactor) returns nothing
function TimerDialogSetTimeColorBJ (timerdialog td, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function TimerDialogSetTimeColorBJ (timerdialog td, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function TimerDialogSetTimeColorBJ (timerdialog td, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function TimerDialogSetTimeColorBJ (timerdialog td, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function TimerDialogSetTitleColorBJ (timerdialog td, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function TimerDialogSetTitleColorBJ (timerdialog td, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function TimerDialogSetTitleColorBJ (timerdialog td, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function TimerDialogSetTitleColorBJ (timerdialog td, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
native TimerStart (timer whichTimer, real timeout, boolean periodic, code handlerFunc) returns nothing
function TransmissionFromUnitTypeWithNameBJ (force toForce, player fromPlayer, integer unitId, string unitName, location loc, sound soundHandle, string message, integer timeType, real timeVal, boolean wait) returns nothing
function TransmissionFromUnitWithNameBJ (force toForce, unit whichUnit, string unitName, sound soundHandle, string message, integer timeType, real timeVal, boolean wait) returns nothing
function TriggerRegisterDistanceBetweenUnits (trigger trig, unit whichUnit, boolexpr condition, real range) returns event
native TriggerRegisterGameStateEvent (trigger whichTrigger, gamestate whichState, limitop opcode, real limitval) returns event
function TriggerRegisterGameStateEventTimeOfDay (trigger trig, limitop opcode, real limitval) returns event
native TriggerRegisterPlayerStateEvent (trigger whichTrigger, player whichPlayer, playerstate whichState, limitop opcode, real limitval) returns event
native TriggerRegisterTimerEvent (trigger whichTrigger, real timeout, boolean periodic) returns event
function TriggerRegisterTimerEventPeriodic (trigger trig, real timeout) returns event
function TriggerRegisterTimerEventSingle (trigger trig, real timeout) returns event
native TriggerRegisterUnitInRange (trigger whichTrigger, unit whichUnit, real range, boolexpr filter) returns event
function TriggerRegisterUnitInRangeSimple (trigger trig, real range, unit whichUnit) returns event
function TriggerRegisterUnitLifeEvent (trigger trig, unit whichUnit, limitop opcode, real limitval) returns event
function TriggerRegisterUnitManaEvent (trigger trig, unit whichUnit, limitop opcode, real limitval) returns event
native TriggerRegisterUnitStateEvent (trigger whichTrigger, unit whichUnit, unitstate whichState, limitop opcode, real limitval) returns event
native TriggerRegisterVariableEvent (trigger whichTrigger, string varName, limitop opcode, real limitval) returns event
native TriggerSleepAction (real timeout) returns nothing
native TriggerWaitForSound (sound s, real offset) returns nothing
function UnitAddIndicatorBJ (unit whichUnit, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function UnitAddIndicatorBJ (unit whichUnit, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function UnitAddIndicatorBJ (unit whichUnit, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function UnitAddIndicatorBJ (unit whichUnit, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
native UnitApplyTimedLife (unit whichUnit, integer buffId, real duration) returns nothing
function UnitApplyTimedLifeBJ (real duration, integer buffId, unit whichUnit) returns nothing
native UnitDamagePoint (unit whichUnit, real delay, real radius, real x, real y, real amount, boolean attack, boolean ranged, attacktype attackType, damagetype damageType, weapontype weaponType) returns boolean
native UnitDamagePoint (unit whichUnit, real delay, real radius, real x, real y, real amount, boolean attack, boolean ranged, attacktype attackType, damagetype damageType, weapontype weaponType) returns boolean
native UnitDamagePoint (unit whichUnit, real delay, real radius, real x, real y, real amount, boolean attack, boolean ranged, attacktype attackType, damagetype damageType, weapontype weaponType) returns boolean
native UnitDamagePoint (unit whichUnit, real delay, real radius, real x, real y, real amount, boolean attack, boolean ranged, attacktype attackType, damagetype damageType, weapontype weaponType) returns boolean
native UnitDamagePoint (unit whichUnit, real delay, real radius, real x, real y, real amount, boolean attack, boolean ranged, attacktype attackType, damagetype damageType, weapontype weaponType) returns boolean
function UnitDamagePointLoc (unit whichUnit, real delay, real radius, location loc, real amount, attacktype whichAttack, damagetype whichDamage) returns boolean
function UnitDamagePointLoc (unit whichUnit, real delay, real radius, location loc, real amount, attacktype whichAttack, damagetype whichDamage) returns boolean
function UnitDamagePointLoc (unit whichUnit, real delay, real radius, location loc, real amount, attacktype whichAttack, damagetype whichDamage) returns boolean
native UnitDamageTarget (unit whichUnit, widget target, real amount, boolean attack, boolean ranged, attacktype attackType, damagetype damageType, weapontype weaponType) returns boolean
function UnitDamageTargetBJ (unit whichUnit, unit target, real amount, attacktype whichAttack, damagetype whichDamage) returns boolean
native UnitDropItemPoint (unit whichUnit, item whichItem, real x, real y) returns boolean
native UnitDropItemPoint (unit whichUnit, item whichItem, real x, real y) returns boolean
function UnitDropItemPointBJ (unit whichUnit, item whichItem, real x, real y) returns boolean
function UnitDropItemPointBJ (unit whichUnit, item whichItem, real x, real y) returns boolean
native UnitPoolAddUnitType (unitpool whichPool, integer unitId, real weight) returns nothing
native UnitUseItemPoint (unit whichUnit, item whichItem, real x, real y) returns boolean
native UnitUseItemPoint (unit whichUnit, item whichItem, real x, real y) returns boolean
native UnregisterStackedSound (sound soundHandle, boolean byPosition, real rectwidth, real rectheight) returns nothing
native UnregisterStackedSound (sound soundHandle, boolean byPosition, real rectwidth, real rectheight) returns nothing
native VolumeGroupSetVolume (volumegroup vgroup, real scale) returns nothing
function VolumeGroupSetVolumeBJ (volumegroup vgroup, real percent) returns nothing
function VolumeGroupSetVolumeForPlayerBJ (player whichPlayer, volumegroup vgroup, real scale) returns nothing
function WaitForSoundBJ (sound soundHandle, real offset) returns nothing
function WaitTransmissionDuration (sound soundHandle, integer timeType, real timeVal) returns nothing
native WaygateSetDestination (unit waygate, real x, real y) returns nothing
native WaygateSetDestination (unit waygate, real x, real y) returns nothing
