JASS Tools
JASS Manual


Type player

Global Variables | Functions That Return | Functions That Take

Ancestor Types:handle > agent > player
Children Types:none
Location:common.j, line 7



Global variables of type player:


bj_forceRandomCurrentPick, bj_groupEnumOwningPlayer



Functions that return type player (     common.j,      common.ai,      Blizzard.j):

function ConvertedPlayer (integer convertedPlayerId) returns player
function ForcePickRandomPlayer (force whichForce) returns player
constant native GetChangingUnitPrevOwner () returns player
constant native GetEnumPlayer () returns player
constant native GetEventDetectingPlayer () returns player
constant native GetFilterPlayer () returns player
native GetItemPlayer (item whichItem) returns player
constant native GetLocalPlayer () returns player
constant native GetOwningPlayer (unit whichUnit) returns player
constant native GetTournamentFinishNowPlayer () returns player
constant native GetTriggerPlayer () returns player
constant native GetWinningPlayer () returns player
function LeaderboardGetIndexedPlayerBJ (integer position, leaderboard lb) returns player
native LoadPlayerHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey) returns player
function LoadPlayerHandleBJ (integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns player
constant native Player (integer number) returns player
function PlayerEx (integer slot) returns player



Functions that take type player as a parameter (     common.j,      common.ai,      Blizzard.j):

constant native AddPlayerTechResearched (player whichPlayer, integer techid, integer levels) returns nothing
function AdjustCameraBoundsForPlayerBJ (integer adjustMethod, player whichPlayer, real dxWest, real dxEast, real dyNorth, real dySouth) returns nothing
function AdjustPlayerStateBJ (integer delta, player whichPlayer, playerstate whichPlayerState) returns nothing
function AdjustPlayerStateSimpleBJ (player whichPlayer, playerstate whichPlayerState, integer delta) returns nothing
function BlightGoldMineForPlayer (unit goldMine, player whichPlayer) returns unit
function BlightGoldMineForPlayerBJ (unit goldMine, player whichPlayer) returns unit
native CachePlayerHeroData (player whichPlayer) returns nothing
function CameraClearNoiseForPlayer (player whichPlayer) returns nothing
function CameraSetEQNoiseForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real magnitude) returns nothing
function CameraSetSourceNoiseForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real magnitude, real velocity) returns nothing
function CameraSetTargetNoiseForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real magnitude, real velocity) returns nothing
function CameraSetupApplyForPlayer (boolean doPan, camerasetup whichSetup, player whichPlayer, real duration) returns nothing
native CaptainVsPlayer (player id) returns nothing
native CaptainVsUnits (player id) returns nothing
function ClearSelectionForPlayer (player whichPlayer) returns nothing
native CommandAI (player num, integer command, integer data) returns nothing
function CommonSuicideOnPlayer (boolean standard, boolean bldgs, integer seconds, player p, integer x, integer y) returns nothing
function CountLivingPlayerUnitsOfTypeId (integer unitId, player whichPlayer) returns integer
native CreateBlightedGoldmine (player id, real x, real y, real face) returns unit
native CreateCorpse (player whichPlayer, integer unitid, real x, real y, real face) returns unit
function CreateCorpseLocBJ (integer unitid, player whichPlayer, location loc) returns unit
native CreateFogModifierRadius (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, real centerx, real centerY, real radius, boolean useSharedVision, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
native CreateFogModifierRadiusLoc (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, location center, real radius, boolean useSharedVision, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
function CreateFogModifierRadiusLocBJ (boolean enabled, player whichPlayer, fogstate whichFogState, location center, real radius) returns fogmodifier
function CreateFogModifierRadiusLocSimple (player whichPlayer, fogstate whichFogState, location center, real radius, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
native CreateFogModifierRect (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, rect where, boolean useSharedVision, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
function CreateFogModifierRectBJ (boolean enabled, player whichPlayer, fogstate whichFogState, rect r) returns fogmodifier
function CreateFogModifierRectSimple (player whichPlayer, fogstate whichFogState, rect r, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
function CreateNUnitsAtLoc (integer count, integer unitId, player whichPlayer, location loc, real face) returns group
function CreateNUnitsAtLocFacingLocBJ (integer count, integer unitId, player whichPlayer, location loc, location lookAt) returns group
function CreatePermanentCorpseLocBJ (integer style, integer unitid, player whichPlayer, location loc, real facing) returns unit
native CreateUnit (player id, integer unitid, real x, real y, real face) returns unit
native CreateUnitAtLoc (player id, integer unitid, location whichLocation, real face) returns unit
native CreateUnitAtLocByName (player id, string unitname, location whichLocation, real face) returns unit
function CreateUnitAtLocSaveLast (player id, integer unitid, location loc, real face) returns unit
native CreateUnitByName (player whichPlayer, string unitname, real x, real y, real face) returns unit
native CripplePlayer (player whichPlayer, force toWhichPlayers, boolean flag) returns nothing
function CustomDefeatBJ (player whichPlayer, string message) returns nothing
function CustomDefeatDialogBJ (player whichPlayer, string message) returns nothing
function CustomVictoryBJ (player whichPlayer, boolean showDialog, boolean showScores) returns nothing
function CustomVictoryDialogBJ (player whichPlayer) returns nothing
function CustomVictorySkipBJ (player whichPlayer) returns nothing
native DialogDisplay (player whichPlayer, dialog whichDialog, boolean flag) returns nothing
function DialogDisplayBJ (boolean flag, dialog whichDialog, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
native DisplayTextToPlayer (player toPlayer, real x, real y, string message) returns nothing
native DisplayTimedTextFromPlayer (player toPlayer, real x, real y, real duration, string message) returns nothing
native DisplayTimedTextToPlayer (player toPlayer, real x, real y, real duration, string message) returns nothing
function EnumUnitsSelected (player whichPlayer, boolexpr enumFilter, code enumAction) returns nothing
native ForceAddPlayer (force whichForce, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
function ForceAddPlayerSimple (player whichPlayer, force whichForce) returns nothing
native ForceEnumAllies (force whichForce, player whichPlayer, boolexpr filter) returns nothing
native ForceEnumEnemies (force whichForce, player whichPlayer, boolexpr filter) returns nothing
native ForcePlayerStartLocation (player whichPlayer, integer startLocIndex) returns nothing
native ForceRemovePlayer (force whichForce, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
function ForceRemovePlayerSimple (player whichPlayer, force whichForce) returns nothing
function ForceUICancelBJ (player whichPlayer) returns nothing
function ForceUIKeyBJ (player whichPlayer, string key) returns nothing
function ForeverSuicideOnPlayer (integer seconds, player p) returns nothing
function GameOverDialogBJ (player whichPlayer, boolean leftGame) returns nothing
native GetAIDifficulty (player num) returns aidifficulty
function GetAllyCount (player whichPlayer) returns integer
native GetBuilding (player p) returns unit
function GetConvertedPlayerId (player whichPlayer) returns integer
function GetForceOfPlayer (player whichPlayer) returns force
constant native GetPlayerAlliance (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, alliancetype whichAllianceSetting) returns boolean
constant native GetPlayerAlliance (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, alliancetype whichAllianceSetting) returns boolean
native GetPlayerColor (player whichPlayer) returns playercolor
native GetPlayerController (player whichPlayer) returns mapcontrol
constant native GetPlayerHandicap (player whichPlayer) returns real
function GetPlayerHandicapBJ (player whichPlayer) returns real
constant native GetPlayerHandicapXP (player whichPlayer) returns real
function GetPlayerHandicapXPBJ (player whichPlayer) returns real
constant native GetPlayerId (player whichPlayer) returns integer
native GetPlayerName (player whichPlayer) returns string
constant native GetPlayerRace (player whichPlayer) returns race
function GetPlayersAllies (player whichPlayer) returns force
constant native GetPlayerScore (player whichPlayer, playerscore whichPlayerScore) returns integer
native GetPlayerSelectable (player whichPlayer) returns boolean
function GetPlayersEnemies (player whichPlayer) returns force
native GetPlayerSlotState (player whichPlayer) returns playerslotstate
native GetPlayerStartLocation (player whichPlayer) returns integer
function GetPlayerStartLocationLoc (player whichPlayer) returns location
function GetPlayerStartLocationX (player whichPlayer) returns real
function GetPlayerStartLocationY (player whichPlayer) returns real
constant native GetPlayerState (player whichPlayer, playerstate whichPlayerState) returns integer
constant native GetPlayerStructureCount (player whichPlayer, boolean includeIncomplete) returns integer
native GetPlayerTaxRate (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, playerstate whichResource) returns integer
native GetPlayerTaxRate (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, playerstate whichResource) returns integer
function GetPlayerTaxRateBJ (playerstate whichResource, player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer) returns integer
function GetPlayerTaxRateBJ (playerstate whichResource, player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer) returns integer
native GetPlayerTeam (player whichPlayer) returns integer
constant native GetPlayerTechCount (player whichPlayer, integer techid, boolean specificonly) returns integer
function GetPlayerTechCountSimple (integer techid, player whichPlayer) returns integer
constant native GetPlayerTechMaxAllowed (player whichPlayer, integer techid) returns integer
function GetPlayerTechMaxAllowedSwap (integer techid, player whichPlayer) returns integer
constant native GetPlayerTechResearched (player whichPlayer, integer techid, boolean specificonly) returns boolean
constant native GetPlayerTypedUnitCount (player whichPlayer, string unitName, boolean includeIncomplete, boolean includeUpgrades) returns integer
constant native GetPlayerUnitCount (player whichPlayer, boolean includeIncomplete) returns integer
native GetPlayerUnitTypeCount (player p, integer unitid) returns integer
constant native GetTournamentScore (player whichPlayer) returns integer
function GetUnitsInRectOfPlayer (rect r, player whichPlayer) returns group
function GetUnitsOfPlayerAll (player whichPlayer) returns group
function GetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeId (player whichPlayer, integer unitid) returns group
function GetUnitsOfPlayerMatching (player whichPlayer, boolexpr filter) returns group
function GetUnitsSelectedAll (player whichPlayer) returns group
native GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer (group whichGroup, player whichPlayer, boolexpr filter) returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsSelected (group whichGroup, player whichPlayer, boolexpr filter) returns nothing
constant native IsFoggedToPlayer (real x, real y, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsLocationFoggedToPlayer (location whichLocation, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsLocationMaskedToPlayer (location whichLocation, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsLocationVisibleToPlayer (location whichLocation, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsMaskedToPlayer (real x, real y, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsPlayerAlly (player whichPlayer, player otherPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsPlayerAlly (player whichPlayer, player otherPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsPlayerEnemy (player whichPlayer, player otherPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsPlayerEnemy (player whichPlayer, player otherPlayer) returns boolean
function IsPlayerFlagSetBJ (playerstate whichPlayerFlag, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsPlayerInForce (player whichPlayer, force whichForce) returns boolean
constant native IsPlayerObserver (player whichPlayer) returns boolean
native IsPlayerRacePrefSet (player whichPlayer, racepreference pref) returns boolean
function IsPlayerSlotState (player whichPlayer, playerslotstate whichState) returns boolean
native IssueNeutralImmediateOrder (player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, string unitToBuild) returns boolean
native IssueNeutralImmediateOrderById (player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, integer unitId) returns boolean
native IssueNeutralPointOrder (player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, string unitToBuild, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IssueNeutralPointOrderById (player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, integer unitId, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IssueNeutralTargetOrder (player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, string unitToBuild, widget target) returns boolean
native IssueNeutralTargetOrderById (player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, integer unitId, widget target) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitAlly (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitDetected (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitEnemy (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitFogged (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitInvisible (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitMasked (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitOwnedByPlayer (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitSelected (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitVisible (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsVisibleToPlayer (real x, real y, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
native LeaderboardAddItem (leaderboard lb, string label, integer value, player p) returns nothing
function LeaderboardAddItemBJ (player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, string label, integer value) returns nothing
native LeaderboardGetPlayerIndex (leaderboard lb, player p) returns integer
function LeaderboardGetPlayerIndexBJ (player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb) returns integer
native LeaderboardHasPlayerItem (leaderboard lb, player p) returns boolean
function LeaderboardHasPlayerItemBJ (leaderboard lb, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
native LeaderboardRemovePlayerItem (leaderboard lb, player p) returns nothing
function LeaderboardRemovePlayerItemBJ (player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemLabelBJ (player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, string val) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemLabelColorBJ (player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemStyleBJ (player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, boolean showLabel, boolean showValue, boolean showIcon) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemValueBJ (player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, integer val) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemValueColorBJ (player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, real red, real green, real blue, real transparency) returns nothing
function MakeUnitsPassiveForPlayer (player whichPlayer) returns nothing
function MakeUnitsPassiveForTeam (player whichPlayer) returns nothing
function MeleeDefeatDialogBJ (player whichPlayer, boolean leftGame) returns nothing
function MeleeDoDefeat (player whichPlayer) returns nothing
function MeleeDoLeave (player whichPlayer) returns nothing
function MeleeExposePlayer (player whichPlayer, boolean expose) returns nothing
function MeleeGetAllyCount (player whichPlayer) returns integer
function MeleeGetAllyKeyStructureCount (player whichPlayer) returns integer
function MeleeGetAllyStructureCount (player whichPlayer) returns integer
function MeleeGetCrippledRevealedMessage (player whichPlayer) returns string
function MeleeGetCrippledTimerMessage (player whichPlayer) returns string
function MeleeGetCrippledWarningMessage (player whichPlayer) returns string
function MeleePlayerIsCrippled (player whichPlayer) returns boolean
function MeleeRandomHeroLoc (player p, integer id1, integer id2, integer id3, integer id4, location loc) returns unit
function MeleeStartingUnitsForPlayer (race whichRace, player whichPlayer, location loc, boolean doHeroes) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsHuman (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsNightElf (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsOrc (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsUndead (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsUnknownRace (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeVictoryDialogBJ (player whichPlayer, boolean leftGame) returns nothing
function MeleeWasUserPlayer (player whichPlayer) returns boolean
function PanCameraToForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real x, real y) returns nothing
function PanCameraToLocForPlayer (player whichPlayer, location loc) returns nothing
function PanCameraToTimedForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
function PanCameraToTimedLocForPlayer (player whichPlayer, location loc, real duration) returns nothing
function PanCameraToTimedLocWithZForPlayer (player whichPlayer, location loc, real zOffset, real duration) returns nothing
native PauseCompAI (player p, boolean pause) returns nothing
function PickMeleeAI (player num, string s1, string s2, string s3) returns nothing
function PingMinimapForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real x, real y, real duration) returns nothing
function PingMinimapLocForPlayer (player whichPlayer, location loc, real duration) returns nothing
native PlaceRandomUnit (unitpool whichPool, player forWhichPlayer, real x, real y, real facing) returns unit
native PlayerGetLeaderboard (player toPlayer) returns leaderboard
function PlayerGetLeaderboardBJ (player whichPlayer) returns leaderboard
function PlayersAreCoAllied (player playerA, player playerB) returns boolean
function PlayersAreCoAllied (player playerA, player playerB) returns boolean
native PlayerSetLeaderboard (player toPlayer, leaderboard lb) returns nothing
function ReducePlayerTechMaxAllowed (player whichPlayer, integer techId, integer limit) returns nothing
native RemoveAllGuardPositions (player num) returns nothing
native RemovePlayer (player whichPlayer, playergameresult gameResult) returns nothing
function RemovePlayerPreserveUnitsBJ (player whichPlayer, playergameresult gameResult, boolean leftGame) returns nothing
function RescueUnitBJ (unit whichUnit, player rescuer, boolean changeColor) returns nothing
function ResetToGameCameraForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real duration) returns nothing
native RestoreUnit (gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key, player forWhichPlayer, real x, real y, real facing) returns unit
function RestoreUnitLocFacingAngleBJ (string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache, player forWhichPlayer, location loc, real facing) returns unit
function RestoreUnitLocFacingPointBJ (string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache, player forWhichPlayer, location loc, location lookAt) returns unit
function RotateCameraAroundLocBJ (real degrees, location loc, player whichPlayer, real duration) returns nothing
native SavePlayerHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
function SavePlayerHandleBJ (player whichPlayer, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
function SelectGroupForPlayerBJ (group g, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
function SelectUnitAddForPlayer (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
function SelectUnitForPlayerSingle (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
function SelectUnitRemoveForPlayer (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
native SetBlight (player whichPlayer, real x, real y, real radius, boolean addBlight) returns nothing
native SetBlightLoc (player whichPlayer, location whichLocation, real radius, boolean addBlight) returns nothing
native SetBlightPoint (player whichPlayer, real x, real y, boolean addBlight) returns nothing
function SetBlightRadiusLocBJ (boolean addBlight, player whichPlayer, location loc, real radius) returns nothing
native SetBlightRect (player whichPlayer, rect r, boolean addBlight) returns nothing
function SetBlightRectBJ (boolean addBlight, player whichPlayer, rect r) returns nothing
function SetCameraBoundsToRectForPlayerBJ (player whichPlayer, rect r) returns nothing
function SetCameraFieldForPlayer (player whichPlayer, camerafield whichField, real value, real duration) returns nothing
function SetCameraOrientControllerForPlayerBJ (player whichPlayer, unit whichUnit, real xoffset, real yoffset) returns nothing
function SetCameraPositionForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real x, real y) returns nothing
function SetCameraPositionLocForPlayer (player whichPlayer, location loc) returns nothing
function SetCameraQuickPositionForPlayer (player whichPlayer, real x, real y) returns nothing
function SetCameraQuickPositionLocForPlayer (player whichPlayer, location loc) returns nothing
function SetCameraTargetControllerNoZForPlayer (player whichPlayer, unit whichUnit, real xoffset, real yoffset, boolean inheritOrientation) returns nothing
function SetCinematicCameraForPlayer (player whichPlayer, string cameraModelFile) returns nothing
native SetFogStateRadius (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, real centerx, real centerY, real radius, boolean useSharedVision) returns nothing
native SetFogStateRadiusLoc (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, location center, real radius, boolean useSharedVision) returns nothing
native SetFogStateRect (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, rect where, boolean useSharedVision) returns nothing
native SetItemPlayer (item whichItem, player whichPlayer, boolean changeColor) returns nothing
function SetItemPlayerBJ (item whichItem, player whichPlayer, boolean changeColor) returns nothing
native SetPlayerAbilityAvailable (player whichPlayer, integer abilid, boolean avail) returns nothing
function SetPlayerAbilityAvailableBJ (boolean avail, integer abilid, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
native SetPlayerAlliance (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, alliancetype whichAllianceSetting, boolean value) returns nothing
native SetPlayerAlliance (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, alliancetype whichAllianceSetting, boolean value) returns nothing
function SetPlayerAllianceBJ (player sourcePlayer, alliancetype whichAllianceSetting, boolean value, player otherPlayer) returns nothing
function SetPlayerAllianceBJ (player sourcePlayer, alliancetype whichAllianceSetting, boolean value, player otherPlayer) returns nothing
function SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetPlayerAllianceStateBJ (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, integer allianceState) returns nothing
function SetPlayerAllianceStateBJ (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, integer allianceState) returns nothing
function SetPlayerAllianceStateControlBJ (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetPlayerAllianceStateControlBJ (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetPlayerAllianceStateFullControlBJ (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetPlayerAllianceStateFullControlBJ (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetPlayerColor (player whichPlayer, playercolor color) returns nothing
function SetPlayerColorBJ (player whichPlayer, playercolor color, boolean changeExisting) returns nothing
native SetPlayerController (player whichPlayer, mapcontrol controlType) returns nothing
function SetPlayerFlagBJ (playerstate whichPlayerFlag, boolean flag, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
constant native SetPlayerHandicap (player whichPlayer, real handicap) returns nothing
function SetPlayerHandicapBJ (player whichPlayer, real handicapPercent) returns nothing
constant native SetPlayerHandicapXP (player whichPlayer, real handicap) returns nothing
function SetPlayerHandicapXPBJ (player whichPlayer, real handicapPercent) returns nothing
function SetPlayerMaxHeroesAllowed (integer maximum, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
native SetPlayerName (player whichPlayer, string name) returns nothing
native SetPlayerOnScoreScreen (player whichPlayer, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetPlayerOnScoreScreenBJ (boolean flag, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
native SetPlayerRacePreference (player whichPlayer, racepreference whichRacePreference) returns nothing
native SetPlayerRaceSelectable (player whichPlayer, boolean value) returns nothing
function SetPlayerSlotAvailable (player whichPlayer, mapcontrol control) returns nothing
native SetPlayerStartLocation (player whichPlayer, integer startLocIndex) returns nothing
native SetPlayerState (player whichPlayer, playerstate whichPlayerState, integer value) returns nothing
function SetPlayerStateBJ (player whichPlayer, playerstate whichPlayerState, integer value) returns nothing
native SetPlayerTaxRate (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, playerstate whichResource, integer rate) returns nothing
native SetPlayerTaxRate (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, playerstate whichResource, integer rate) returns nothing
function SetPlayerTaxRateBJ (integer rate, playerstate whichResource, player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer) returns nothing
function SetPlayerTaxRateBJ (integer rate, playerstate whichResource, player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer) returns nothing
native SetPlayerTeam (player whichPlayer, integer whichTeam) returns nothing
constant native SetPlayerTechMaxAllowed (player whichPlayer, integer techid, integer maximum) returns nothing
function SetPlayerTechMaxAllowedSwap (integer techid, integer maximum, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
constant native SetPlayerTechResearched (player whichPlayer, integer techid, integer setToLevel) returns nothing
function SetPlayerTechResearchedSwap (integer techid, integer levels, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
function SetPlayerUnitAvailableBJ (integer unitId, boolean allowed, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
native SetPlayerUnitsOwner (player whichPlayer, integer newOwner) returns nothing
native SetUnitOwner (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer, boolean changeColor) returns nothing
native SetUnitRescuable (unit whichUnit, player byWhichPlayer, boolean flag) returns nothing
function ShareEverythingWithTeam (player whichPlayer) returns nothing
function ShareEverythingWithTeamAI (player whichPlayer) returns nothing
function SmartCameraPanBJ (player whichPlayer, location loc, real duration) returns nothing
native StartCampaignAI (player num, string script) returns nothing
native StartMeleeAI (player num, string script) returns nothing
function StartSoundForPlayerBJ (player whichPlayer, sound soundHandle) returns nothing
function StopCameraForPlayerBJ (player whichPlayer) returns nothing
function SuicideOnPlayer (integer seconds, player p) returns nothing
function SuicideOnPlayerEx (integer easy, integer med, integer hard, player p) returns nothing
function SuicideOnPoint (integer seconds, player p, integer x, integer y) returns nothing
function SuicideOnPointEx (integer easy, integer med, integer hard, player p, integer x, integer y) returns nothing
function SuicideOnUnits (integer seconds, player p) returns nothing
function SuicideOnUnitsEx (integer easy, integer med, integer hard, player p) returns nothing
native SuicidePlayer (player id, boolean check_full) returns boolean
native SuicidePlayerUnits (player id, boolean check_full) returns boolean
function SuicideUntilSignal (integer seconds, player p) returns nothing
function TimerDialogDisplayForPlayerBJ (boolean show, timerdialog td, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
function TransmissionFromUnitTypeWithNameBJ (force toForce, player fromPlayer, integer unitId, string unitName, location loc, sound soundHandle, string message, integer timeType, real timeVal, boolean wait) returns nothing
native TriggerRegisterPlayerAllianceChange (trigger whichTrigger, player whichPlayer, alliancetype whichAlliance) returns event
native TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent (trigger whichTrigger, player whichPlayer, string chatMessageToDetect, boolean exactMatchOnly) returns event
native TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent (trigger whichTrigger, player whichPlayer, playerevent whichPlayerEvent) returns event
function TriggerRegisterPlayerEventAllianceChanged (trigger trig, player whichPlayer) returns event
function TriggerRegisterPlayerEventDefeat (trigger trig, player whichPlayer) returns event
function TriggerRegisterPlayerEventEndCinematic (trigger trig, player whichPlayer) returns event
function TriggerRegisterPlayerEventLeave (trigger trig, player whichPlayer) returns event
function TriggerRegisterPlayerEventVictory (trigger trig, player whichPlayer) returns event
function TriggerRegisterPlayerKeyEventBJ (trigger trig, player whichPlayer, integer keType, integer keKey) returns event
function TriggerRegisterPlayerSelectionEventBJ (trigger trig, player whichPlayer, boolean selected) returns event
native TriggerRegisterPlayerStateEvent (trigger whichTrigger, player whichPlayer, playerstate whichState, limitop opcode, real limitval) returns event
native TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent (trigger whichTrigger, player whichPlayer, playerunitevent whichPlayerUnitEvent, boolexpr filter) returns event
function TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEventSimple (trigger trig, player whichPlayer, playerunitevent whichEvent) returns event
native UnitShareVision (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer, boolean share) returns nothing
function UnitShareVisionBJ (boolean share, unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
function VolumeGroupSetVolumeForPlayerBJ (player whichPlayer, volumegroup vgroup, real scale) returns nothing
function WakePlayerUnits (player whichPlayer) returns nothing


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