JASS Tools |
Global Variables | Functions That Return | Functions That Take
Global variables of type rect:
Functions that return type rect ( common.j, common.ai, Blizzard.j):
function GetCameraBoundsMapRect () returns rect |
function GetCurrentCameraBoundsMapRectBJ () returns rect |
function GetEntireMapRect () returns rect |
function GetPlayableMapRect () returns rect |
function GetRectFromCircleBJ (location center, real radius) returns rect |
native GetWorldBounds () returns rect |
native LoadRectHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey) returns rect |
function LoadRectHandleBJ (integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns rect |
function OffsetRectBJ (rect r, real dx, real dy) returns rect |
native Rect (real minx, real miny, real maxx, real maxy) returns rect |
function RectFromCenterSizeBJ (location center, real width, real height) returns rect |
native RectFromLoc (location min, location max) returns rect |
Functions that take type rect as a parameter ( common.j, common.ai, Blizzard.j):
native AddWeatherEffect (rect where, integer effectID) returns weathereffect |
function AddWeatherEffectSaveLast (rect where, integer effectID) returns weathereffect |
function CompareRectsBJ (rect A, rect B) returns boolean |
function CompareRectsBJ (rect A, rect B) returns boolean |
native CreateFogModifierRect (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, rect where, boolean useSharedVision, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier |
function CreateFogModifierRectBJ (boolean enabled, player whichPlayer, fogstate whichFogState, rect r) returns fogmodifier |
function CreateFogModifierRectSimple (player whichPlayer, fogstate whichFogState, rect r, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier |
native EnumDestructablesInRect (rect r, boolexpr filter, code actionFunc) returns nothing |
function EnumDestructablesInRectAll (rect r, code actionFunc) returns nothing |
native EnumItemsInRect (rect r, boolexpr filter, code actionFunc) returns nothing |
function EnumItemsInRectBJ (rect r, code actionFunc) returns nothing |
function GetRandomLocInRect (rect whichRect) returns location |
function GetRectCenter (rect whichRect) returns location |
native GetRectCenterX (rect whichRect) returns real |
native GetRectCenterY (rect whichRect) returns real |
function GetRectHeightBJ (rect r) returns real |
native GetRectMaxX (rect whichRect) returns real |
native GetRectMaxY (rect whichRect) returns real |
native GetRectMinX (rect whichRect) returns real |
native GetRectMinY (rect whichRect) returns real |
function GetRectWidthBJ (rect r) returns real |
function GetUnitsInRectAll (rect r) returns group |
function GetUnitsInRectMatching (rect r, boolexpr filter) returns group |
function GetUnitsInRectOfPlayer (rect r, player whichPlayer) returns group |
native GroupEnumUnitsInRect (group whichGroup, rect r, boolexpr filter) returns nothing |
native GroupEnumUnitsInRectCounted (group whichGroup, rect r, boolexpr filter, integer countLimit) returns nothing |
function IsUnitGroupInRectBJ (group g, rect r) returns boolean |
function MeleeGetLocWithinRect (location src, rect r) returns location |
native MoveRectTo (rect whichRect, real newCenterX, real newCenterY) returns nothing |
native MoveRectToLoc (rect whichRect, location newCenterLoc) returns nothing |
function NudgeObjectsInRect (rect nudgeArea) returns nothing |
function OffsetRectBJ (rect r, real dx, real dy) returns rect |
function RandomDestructableInRectBJ (rect r, boolexpr filter) returns destructable |
function RandomDestructableInRectSimpleBJ (rect r) returns destructable |
function RandomItemInRectBJ (rect r, boolexpr filter) returns item |
function RandomItemInRectSimpleBJ (rect r) returns item |
function RectContainsCoords (rect r, real x, real y) returns boolean |
function RectContainsItem (item whichItem, rect r) returns boolean |
function RectContainsLoc (rect r, location loc) returns boolean |
function RectContainsUnit (rect r, unit whichUnit) returns boolean |
native RegionAddRect (region whichRegion, rect r) returns nothing |
native RegionClearRect (region whichRegion, rect r) returns nothing |
native RemoveRect (rect whichRect) returns nothing |
native SaveRectHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, rect whichRect) returns boolean |
function SaveRectHandleBJ (rect whichRect, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean |
native SetBlightRect (player whichPlayer, rect r, boolean addBlight) returns nothing |
function SetBlightRectBJ (boolean addBlight, player whichPlayer, rect r) returns nothing |
function SetCameraBoundsToRect (rect r) returns nothing |
function SetCameraBoundsToRectForPlayerBJ (player whichPlayer, rect r) returns nothing |
native SetDoodadAnimationRect (rect r, integer doodadID, string animName, boolean animRandom) returns nothing |
function SetDoodadAnimationRectBJ (string animName, integer doodadID, rect r) returns nothing |
native SetFogStateRect (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, rect where, boolean useSharedVision) returns nothing |
native SetRect (rect whichRect, real minx, real miny, real maxx, real maxy) returns nothing |
native SetRectFromLoc (rect whichRect, location min, location max) returns nothing |
function SetStackedSoundBJ (boolean add, sound soundHandle, rect r) returns nothing |
function TriggerRegisterDestDeathInRegionEvent (trigger trig, rect r) returns nothing |
function TriggerRegisterEnterRectSimple (trigger trig, rect r) returns event |
function TriggerRegisterLeaveRectSimple (trigger trig, rect r) returns event |
Copyright (c) 2003 Jeff Pang Not affiliated or endorsed by Blizzard Entertainment |