JASS Tools
JASS Manual


Type boolean

Global Variables | Functions That Return | Functions That Take

Native Typeboolean
Children Types:none


Information about type boolean

Booleans might be true or false, common.j variables TRUE and FALSE were added to allow you to use them, but it is not a good idea to do so.

Comparision expresions (== , <= ,< , > , >= , != ) return boolean.

if, elseif and exitwhen statements take boolean as argument.



Global variables of type boolean:


allow_air_creeps, allow_signal_abort, build_campaign_attackers, do_campaign_farms, do_debug_cheats, form_group_timeouts, get_zeppelin, harvest_town1, harvest_town2, harvest_town3, ready_for_zeppelin, take_exp, trace_on, two_heroes, zep_next_wave

bj_changeLevelShowScores, bj_cineModeAlreadyIn, bj_cineModePriorDawnDusk, bj_cineModePriorFogSetting, bj_cineModePriorMaskSetting, bj_dncIsDaytime, bj_finishSoonAllExposed, bj_gameStarted, bj_isSinglePlayer, bj_isUnitGroupDeadResult, bj_isUnitGroupEmptyResult, bj_isUnitGroupInRectResult, bj_makeUnitRescuableFlag, bj_meleeDefeated, bj_meleeGameOver, bj_meleeGrantHeroItems, bj_meleeVictoried, bj_meleeVisibilityIsDay, bj_pauseAllUnitsFlag, bj_playerIsCrippled, bj_playerIsExposed, bj_queuedExecUseConds, bj_rescueChangeColorBldg, bj_rescueChangeColorUnit, bj_slotControlReady, bj_slotControlUsed, bj_stockAllowedArtifact, bj_stockAllowedCharged, bj_stockAllowedPermanent, bj_useDawnDuskSounds, bj_wantDestroyGroup



Functions that return type boolean (     common.j,      common.ai,      Blizzard.j):

native AddAssault (integer qty, integer id) returns boolean
native AddDefenders (integer qty, integer id) returns boolean
function AllowVictoryDefeat (playergameresult gameResult) returns boolean
native CaptainAtGoal () returns boolean
native CaptainInCombat (boolean attack_captain) returns boolean
native CaptainIsEmpty () returns boolean
native CaptainIsFull () returns boolean
native CaptainIsHome () returns boolean
native CaptainRetreating () returns boolean
function CheckItemcodeStatus (integer itemId, integer status) returns boolean
function CheckItemStatus (item whichItem, integer status) returns boolean
function CompareLocationsBJ (location A, location B) returns boolean
function CompareRectsBJ (rect A, rect B) returns boolean
native ConvertUnits (integer qty, integer id) returns boolean
native CopySaveGame (string sourceSaveName, string destSaveName) returns boolean
function CopySaveGameBJ (string sourceSaveName, string destSaveName) returns boolean
native CreepsOnMap () returns boolean
native DestroyLightning (lightning whichBolt) returns boolean
function DestroyLightningBJ (lightning whichBolt) returns boolean
native DoAiScriptDebug () returns boolean
function DoesUnitGenerateAlarms (unit whichUnit) returns boolean
function EnumDestructablesInCircleBJFilter () returns boolean
function GetBooleanAnd (boolean valueA, boolean valueB) returns boolean
function GetBooleanOr (boolean valueA, boolean valueB) returns boolean
native GetCreepCampFilterState () returns boolean
native GetCustomCampaignButtonVisible (integer whichButton) returns boolean
constant native GetPlayerAlliance (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, alliancetype whichAllianceSetting) returns boolean
native GetPlayerSelectable (player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native GetPlayerTechResearched (player whichPlayer, integer techid, boolean specificonly) returns boolean
native GetSoundIsLoading (sound soundHandle) returns boolean
native GetSoundIsPlaying (sound soundHandle) returns boolean
function GetSoundIsPlayingBJ (sound soundHandle) returns boolean
native GetStoredBoolean (gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key) returns boolean
function GetStoredBooleanBJ (string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache) returns boolean
function GetUnitsInRectOfPlayerFilter () returns boolean
function GetUnitsOfPlayerAndTypeIdFilter () returns boolean
function GetUnitsOfTypeIdAllFilter () returns boolean
native GroupImmediateOrder (group whichGroup, string order) returns boolean
function GroupImmediateOrderBJ (group whichGroup, string order) returns boolean
native GroupImmediateOrderById (group whichGroup, integer order) returns boolean
native GroupPointOrder (group whichGroup, string order, real x, real y) returns boolean
native GroupPointOrderById (group whichGroup, integer order, real x, real y) returns boolean
native GroupPointOrderByIdLoc (group whichGroup, integer order, location whichLocation) returns boolean
native GroupPointOrderLoc (group whichGroup, string order, location whichLocation) returns boolean
function GroupPointOrderLocBJ (group whichGroup, string order, location whichLocation) returns boolean
function GroupTargetDestructableOrder (group whichGroup, string order, widget targetWidget) returns boolean
function GroupTargetItemOrder (group whichGroup, string order, widget targetWidget) returns boolean
native GroupTargetOrder (group whichGroup, string order, widget targetWidget) returns boolean
function GroupTargetOrderBJ (group whichGroup, string order, widget targetWidget) returns boolean
native GroupTargetOrderById (group whichGroup, integer order, widget targetWidget) returns boolean
function GroupTrainOrderByIdBJ (group g, integer unitId) returns boolean
function HallsCompleted (integer unitid) returns boolean
native HaveSavedBoolean (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey) returns boolean
native HaveSavedHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey) returns boolean
native HaveSavedInteger (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey) returns boolean
native HaveSavedReal (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey) returns boolean
native HaveSavedString (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey) returns boolean
function HaveSavedValue (integer key, integer valueType, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native HaveStoredBoolean (gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key) returns boolean
native HaveStoredInteger (gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key) returns boolean
native HaveStoredReal (gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key) returns boolean
native HaveStoredString (gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key) returns boolean
native HaveStoredUnit (gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key) returns boolean
function HaveStoredValue (string key, integer valueType, string missionKey, gamecache cache) returns boolean
native IsCineFilterDisplayed () returns boolean
function IsCustomCampaignButtonVisibile (integer whichButton) returns boolean
function IsDawnDuskEnabled () returns boolean
function IsDestructableAliveBJ (destructable d) returns boolean
function IsDestructableDeadBJ (destructable d) returns boolean
native IsDestructableInvulnerable (destructable d) returns boolean
function IsDestructableInvulnerableBJ (destructable d) returns boolean
native IsFogEnabled () returns boolean
constant native IsFoggedToPlayer (real x, real y, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
native IsFogMaskEnabled () returns boolean
native IsGameTypeSupported (gametype whichGameType) returns boolean
constant native IsHeroUnitId (integer unitId) returns boolean
function IsItemHiddenBJ (item whichItem) returns boolean
native IsItemIdPawnable (integer itemId) returns boolean
native IsItemIdPowerup (integer itemId) returns boolean
native IsItemIdSellable (integer itemId) returns boolean
native IsItemInvulnerable (item whichItem) returns boolean
native IsItemOwned (item whichItem) returns boolean
native IsItemPawnable (item whichItem) returns boolean
native IsItemPowerup (item whichItem) returns boolean
native IsItemSellable (item whichItem) returns boolean
native IsItemVisible (item whichItem) returns boolean
native IsLeaderboardDisplayed (leaderboard lb) returns boolean
constant native IsLocationFoggedToPlayer (location whichLocation, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
native IsLocationInRegion (region whichRegion, location whichLocation) returns boolean
constant native IsLocationMaskedToPlayer (location whichLocation, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsLocationVisibleToPlayer (location whichLocation, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
native IsMapFlagSet (mapflag whichMapFlag) returns boolean
constant native IsMaskedToPlayer (real x, real y, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
native IsMultiboardDisplayed (multiboard lb) returns boolean
native IsMultiboardMinimized (multiboard lb) returns boolean
native IsNoDefeatCheat () returns boolean
native IsNoVictoryCheat () returns boolean
constant native IsPlayerAlly (player whichPlayer, player otherPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsPlayerEnemy (player whichPlayer, player otherPlayer) returns boolean
function IsPlayerFlagSetBJ (playerstate whichPlayerFlag, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsPlayerInForce (player whichPlayer, force whichForce) returns boolean
constant native IsPlayerObserver (player whichPlayer) returns boolean
native IsPlayerRacePrefSet (player whichPlayer, racepreference pref) returns boolean
function IsPlayerSlotState (player whichPlayer, playerslotstate whichState) returns boolean
native IsPointBlighted (real x, real y) returns boolean
function IsPointBlightedBJ (location where) returns boolean
native IsPointInRegion (region whichRegion, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IsQuestCompleted (quest whichQuest) returns boolean
native IsQuestDiscovered (quest whichQuest) returns boolean
native IsQuestEnabled (quest whichQuest) returns boolean
native IsQuestFailed (quest whichQuest) returns boolean
native IsQuestItemCompleted (questitem whichQuestItem) returns boolean
native IsQuestRequired (quest whichQuest) returns boolean
native IssueBuildOrder (unit whichPeon, string unitToBuild, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IssueBuildOrderById (unit whichPeon, integer unitId, real x, real y) returns boolean
function IssueBuildOrderByIdLocBJ (unit whichPeon, integer unitId, location loc) returns boolean
function IssueHauntOrderAtLocBJ (unit whichPeon, location loc) returns boolean
function IssueHauntOrderAtLocBJFilter () returns boolean
native IssueImmediateOrder (unit whichUnit, string order) returns boolean
function IssueImmediateOrderBJ (unit whichUnit, string order) returns boolean
native IssueImmediateOrderById (unit whichUnit, integer order) returns boolean
native IssueInstantPointOrder (unit whichUnit, string order, real x, real y, widget instantTargetWidget) returns boolean
native IssueInstantPointOrderById (unit whichUnit, integer order, real x, real y, widget instantTargetWidget) returns boolean
native IssueInstantTargetOrder (unit whichUnit, string order, widget targetWidget, widget instantTargetWidget) returns boolean
native IssueInstantTargetOrderById (unit whichUnit, integer order, widget targetWidget, widget instantTargetWidget) returns boolean
native IssueNeutralImmediateOrder (player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, string unitToBuild) returns boolean
native IssueNeutralImmediateOrderById (player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, integer unitId) returns boolean
native IssueNeutralPointOrder (player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, string unitToBuild, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IssueNeutralPointOrderById (player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, integer unitId, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IssueNeutralTargetOrder (player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, string unitToBuild, widget target) returns boolean
native IssueNeutralTargetOrderById (player forWhichPlayer, unit neutralStructure, integer unitId, widget target) returns boolean
native IssuePointOrder (unit whichUnit, string order, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IssuePointOrderById (unit whichUnit, integer order, real x, real y) returns boolean
native IssuePointOrderByIdLoc (unit whichUnit, integer order, location whichLocation) returns boolean
native IssuePointOrderLoc (unit whichUnit, string order, location whichLocation) returns boolean
function IssuePointOrderLocBJ (unit whichUnit, string order, location whichLocation) returns boolean
function IssueTargetDestructableOrder (unit whichUnit, string order, widget targetWidget) returns boolean
function IssueTargetItemOrder (unit whichUnit, string order, widget targetWidget) returns boolean
native IssueTargetOrder (unit whichUnit, string order, widget targetWidget) returns boolean
function IssueTargetOrderBJ (unit whichUnit, string order, widget targetWidget) returns boolean
native IssueTargetOrderById (unit whichUnit, integer order, widget targetWidget) returns boolean
function IssueTrainOrderByIdBJ (unit whichUnit, integer unitId) returns boolean
function IssueUpgradeOrderByIdBJ (unit whichUnit, integer techId) returns boolean
native IsSuspendedXP (unit whichHero) returns boolean
native IsTerrainPathable (real x, real y, pathingtype t) returns boolean
function IsTerrainPathableBJ (location where, pathingtype t) returns boolean
native IsTimerDialogDisplayed (timerdialog whichDialog) returns boolean
native IsTowered (unit target) returns boolean
native IsTriggerEnabled (trigger whichTrigger) returns boolean
function IsTriggerQueuedBJ (trigger trig) returns boolean
function IsTriggerQueueEmptyBJ () returns boolean
native IsTriggerWaitOnSleeps (trigger whichTrigger) returns boolean
constant native IsUnit (unit whichUnit, unit whichSpecifiedUnit) returns boolean
function IsUnitAliveBJ (unit whichUnit) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitAlly (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
function IsUnitDeadBJ (unit whichUnit) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitDetected (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitEnemy (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitFogged (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
function IsUnitGroupDeadBJ (group g) returns boolean
function IsUnitGroupEmptyBJ (group g) returns boolean
function IsUnitGroupInRectBJ (group g, rect r) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitHidden (unit whichUnit) returns boolean
function IsUnitHiddenBJ (unit whichUnit) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitIdType (integer unitId, unittype whichUnitType) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitIllusion (unit whichUnit) returns boolean
function IsUnitIllusionBJ (unit whichUnit) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitInForce (unit whichUnit, force whichForce) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitInGroup (unit whichUnit, group whichGroup) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitInRange (unit whichUnit, unit otherUnit, real distance) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitInRangeLoc (unit whichUnit, location whichLocation, real distance) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitInRangeXY (unit whichUnit, real x, real y, real distance) returns boolean
native IsUnitInRegion (region whichRegion, unit whichUnit) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitInTransport (unit whichUnit, unit whichTransport) returns boolean
function IsUnitInTransportBJ (unit whichUnit, unit whichTransport) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitInvisible (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitLoaded (unit whichUnit) returns boolean
function IsUnitLoadedBJ (unit whichUnit) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitMasked (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitOwnedByPlayer (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
native IsUnitPaused (unit whichHero) returns boolean
function IsUnitPausedBJ (unit whichUnit) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitRace (unit whichUnit, race whichRace) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitSelected (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitType (unit whichUnit, unittype whichUnitType) returns boolean
constant native IsUnitVisible (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
constant native IsVisibleToPlayer (real x, real y, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
native LeaderboardHasPlayerItem (leaderboard lb, player p) returns boolean
function LeaderboardHasPlayerItemBJ (leaderboard lb, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
function LivingPlayerUnitsOfTypeIdFilter () returns boolean
native LoadBoolean (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey) returns boolean
function LoadBooleanBJ (integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
function MeleePlayerIsCrippled (player whichPlayer) returns boolean
function MeleePlayerIsOpponent (integer playerIndex, integer opponentIndex) returns boolean
function MeleeTrainedUnitIsHeroBJFilter () returns boolean
function MeleeWasUserPlayer (player whichPlayer) returns boolean
native MergeUnits (integer qty, integer a, integer b, integer make) returns boolean
function ModifyHeroSkillPoints (unit whichHero, integer modifyMethod, integer value) returns boolean
native MoveLightning (lightning whichBolt, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2) returns boolean
native MoveLightningEx (lightning whichBolt, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2) returns boolean
function MoveLightningLoc (lightning whichBolt, location where1, location where2) returns boolean
function NearbyElevatorExists (real x, real y) returns boolean
function PlayersAreCoAllied (player playerA, player playerB) returns boolean
function PostTriggerExecuteBJ (trigger trig, boolean checkConditions) returns boolean
function PrepSuicideOnPlayer (integer seconds) returns boolean
function QueuedTriggerAddBJ (trigger trig, boolean checkConditions) returns boolean
function QueuedTriggerAttemptExec () returns boolean
function QueuedTriggerRemoveByIndex (integer trigIndex) returns boolean
function RectContainsCoords (rect r, real x, real y) returns boolean
function RectContainsItem (item whichItem, rect r) returns boolean
function RectContainsLoc (rect r, location loc) returns boolean
function RectContainsUnit (rect r, unit whichUnit) returns boolean
native ReloadGameCachesFromDisk () returns boolean
native RemoveSaveDirectory (string sourceDirName) returns boolean
function RemoveSaveDirectoryBJ (string sourceDirName) returns boolean
native RenameSaveDirectory (string sourceDirName, string destDirName) returns boolean
function RenameSaveDirectoryBJ (string sourceDirName, string destDirName) returns boolean
native ReviveHero (unit whichHero, real x, real y, boolean doEyecandy) returns boolean
native ReviveHeroLoc (unit whichHero, location loc, boolean doEyecandy) returns boolean
native SaveAbilityHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, ability whichAbility) returns boolean
function SaveAbilityHandleBJ (ability whichAbility, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveAgentHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, agent whichAgent) returns boolean
function SaveAgentHandleBJ (agent whichAgent, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveBooleanExprHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, boolexpr whichBoolexpr) returns boolean
function SaveBooleanExprHandleBJ (boolexpr whichBoolexpr, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveButtonHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, button whichButton) returns boolean
function SaveButtonHandleBJ (button whichButton, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveDefeatConditionHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, defeatcondition whichDefeatcondition) returns boolean
function SaveDefeatConditionHandleBJ (defeatcondition whichDefeatcondition, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveDestructableHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, destructable whichDestructable) returns boolean
function SaveDestructableHandleBJ (destructable whichDestructable, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveDialogHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, dialog whichDialog) returns boolean
function SaveDialogHandleBJ (dialog whichDialog, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveEffectHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, effect whichEffect) returns boolean
function SaveEffectHandleBJ (effect whichEffect, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveFogModifierHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, fogmodifier whichFogModifier) returns boolean
function SaveFogModifierHandleBJ (fogmodifier whichFogModifier, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveFogStateHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, fogstate whichFogState) returns boolean
function SaveFogStateHandleBJ (fogstate whichFogState, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveForceHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, force whichForce) returns boolean
function SaveForceHandleBJ (force whichForce, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveGameCache (gamecache whichCache) returns boolean
function SaveGameCacheBJ (gamecache cache) returns boolean
native SaveGameExists (string saveName) returns boolean
native SaveGroupHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, group whichGroup) returns boolean
function SaveGroupHandleBJ (group whichGroup, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveHashtableHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, hashtable whichHashtable) returns boolean
function SaveHashtableHandleBJ (hashtable whichHashtable, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveImageHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, image whichImage) returns boolean
function SaveImageHandleBJ (image whichImage, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveItemHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, item whichItem) returns boolean
function SaveItemHandleBJ (item whichItem, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveItemPoolHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, itempool whichItempool) returns boolean
function SaveItemPoolHandleBJ (itempool whichItempool, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveLeaderboardHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, leaderboard whichLeaderboard) returns boolean
function SaveLeaderboardHandleBJ (leaderboard whichLeaderboard, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveLightningHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, lightning whichLightning) returns boolean
function SaveLightningHandleBJ (lightning whichLightning, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveLocationHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, location whichLocation) returns boolean
function SaveLocationHandleBJ (location whichLocation, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveMultiboardHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, multiboard whichMultiboard) returns boolean
function SaveMultiboardHandleBJ (multiboard whichMultiboard, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveMultiboardItemHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, multiboarditem whichMultiboarditem) returns boolean
function SaveMultiboardItemHandleBJ (multiboarditem whichMultiboarditem, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SavePlayerHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, player whichPlayer) returns boolean
function SavePlayerHandleBJ (player whichPlayer, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveQuestHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, quest whichQuest) returns boolean
function SaveQuestHandleBJ (quest whichQuest, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveQuestItemHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, questitem whichQuestitem) returns boolean
function SaveQuestItemHandleBJ (questitem whichQuestitem, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveRectHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, rect whichRect) returns boolean
function SaveRectHandleBJ (rect whichRect, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveRegionHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, region whichRegion) returns boolean
function SaveRegionHandleBJ (region whichRegion, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveSoundHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, sound whichSound) returns boolean
function SaveSoundHandleBJ (sound whichSound, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveStr (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, string value) returns boolean
function SaveStringBJ (string value, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveTextTagHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, texttag whichTexttag) returns boolean
function SaveTextTagHandleBJ (texttag whichTexttag, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveTimerDialogHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, timerdialog whichTimerdialog) returns boolean
function SaveTimerDialogHandleBJ (timerdialog whichTimerdialog, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveTimerHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, timer whichTimer) returns boolean
function SaveTimerHandleBJ (timer whichTimer, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveTrackableHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, trackable whichTrackable) returns boolean
function SaveTrackableHandleBJ (trackable whichTrackable, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveTriggerActionHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, triggeraction whichTriggeraction) returns boolean
function SaveTriggerActionHandleBJ (triggeraction whichTriggeraction, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveTriggerConditionHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, triggercondition whichTriggercondition) returns boolean
function SaveTriggerConditionHandleBJ (triggercondition whichTriggercondition, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveTriggerEventHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, event whichEvent) returns boolean
function SaveTriggerEventHandleBJ (event whichEvent, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveTriggerHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, trigger whichTrigger) returns boolean
function SaveTriggerHandleBJ (trigger whichTrigger, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveUbersplatHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, ubersplat whichUbersplat) returns boolean
function SaveUbersplatHandleBJ (ubersplat whichUbersplat, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveUnitHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, unit whichUnit) returns boolean
function SaveUnitHandleBJ (unit whichUnit, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveUnitPoolHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, unitpool whichUnitpool) returns boolean
function SaveUnitPoolHandleBJ (unitpool whichUnitpool, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SaveWidgetHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, widget whichWidget) returns boolean
function SaveWidgetHandleBJ (widget whichWidget, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SetExpansion (unit peon, integer id) returns boolean
native SetLightningColor (lightning whichBolt, real r, real g, real b, real a) returns boolean
function SetLightningColorBJ (lightning whichBolt, real r, real g, real b, real a) returns boolean
native SetProduce (integer qty, integer id, integer town) returns boolean
native SetUpgrade (integer id) returns boolean
function StartExpansion (integer qty, integer hall) returns boolean
function StartUnit (integer ask_qty, integer unitid, integer town) returns boolean
function StartUpgrade (integer level, integer upgid) returns boolean
native StoreString (gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key, string value) returns boolean
function StoreStringBJ (string value, string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache) returns boolean
native StoreUnit (gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key, unit whichUnit) returns boolean
function StoreUnitBJ (unit whichUnit, string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache) returns boolean
native SuicidePlayer (player id, boolean check_full) returns boolean
native SuicidePlayerUnits (player id, boolean check_full) returns boolean
native TownHasHall (integer townid) returns boolean
native TownHasMine (integer townid) returns boolean
native TownThreatened () returns boolean
native TriggerEvaluate (trigger whichTrigger) returns boolean
function TriggerExecuteBJ (trigger trig, boolean checkConditions) returns boolean
native UnitAddAbility (unit whichUnit, integer abilityId) returns boolean
function UnitAddAbilityBJ (integer abilityId, unit whichUnit) returns boolean
native UnitAddItem (unit whichUnit, item whichItem) returns boolean
function UnitAddItemSwapped (item whichItem, unit whichHero) returns boolean
native UnitAddItemToSlotById (unit whichUnit, integer itemId, integer itemSlot) returns boolean
native UnitAddType (unit whichUnit, unittype whichUnitType) returns boolean
function UnitAddTypeBJ (unittype whichType, unit whichUnit) returns boolean
native UnitAlive (unit id) returns boolean
native UnitCanSleep (unit whichUnit) returns boolean
function UnitCanSleepBJ (unit whichUnit) returns boolean
native UnitCanSleepPerm (unit whichUnit) returns boolean
native UnitDamagePoint (unit whichUnit, real delay, real radius, real x, real y, real amount, boolean attack, boolean ranged, attacktype attackType, damagetype damageType, weapontype weaponType) returns boolean
function UnitDamagePointLoc (unit whichUnit, real delay, real radius, location loc, real amount, attacktype whichAttack, damagetype whichDamage) returns boolean
native UnitDamageTarget (unit whichUnit, widget target, real amount, boolean attack, boolean ranged, attacktype attackType, damagetype damageType, weapontype weaponType) returns boolean
function UnitDamageTargetBJ (unit whichUnit, unit target, real amount, attacktype whichAttack, damagetype whichDamage) returns boolean
native UnitDropItemPoint (unit whichUnit, item whichItem, real x, real y) returns boolean
function UnitDropItemPointBJ (unit whichUnit, item whichItem, real x, real y) returns boolean
function UnitDropItemPointLoc (unit whichUnit, item whichItem, location loc) returns boolean
native UnitDropItemSlot (unit whichUnit, item whichItem, integer slot) returns boolean
function UnitDropItemSlotBJ (unit whichUnit, item whichItem, integer slot) returns boolean
native UnitDropItemTarget (unit whichUnit, item whichItem, widget target) returns boolean
function UnitDropItemTargetBJ (unit whichUnit, item whichItem, widget target) returns boolean
function UnitGenerateAlarms (unit whichUnit, boolean generate) returns boolean
function UnitHasBuffBJ (unit whichUnit, integer buffcode) returns boolean
native UnitHasBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns boolean
native UnitHasItem (unit whichUnit, item whichItem) returns boolean
function UnitHasItemOfTypeBJ (unit whichUnit, integer itemId) returns boolean
native UnitIgnoreAlarm (unit whichUnit, boolean flag) returns boolean
native UnitIgnoreAlarmToggled (unit whichUnit) returns boolean
native UnitInvis (unit id) returns boolean
native UnitIsSleeping (unit whichUnit) returns boolean
function UnitIsSleepingBJ (unit whichUnit) returns boolean
native UnitMakeAbilityPermanent (unit whichUnit, boolean permanent, integer abilityId) returns boolean
function UnitMakeAbilityPermanentBJ (boolean permanent, integer abilityId, unit whichUnit) returns boolean
native UnitModifySkillPoints (unit whichHero, integer skillPointDelta) returns boolean
native UnitRemoveAbility (unit whichUnit, integer abilityId) returns boolean
function UnitRemoveAbilityBJ (integer abilityId, unit whichUnit) returns boolean
function UnitRemoveBuffBJ (integer buffcode, unit whichUnit) returns boolean
native UnitRemoveType (unit whichUnit, unittype whichUnitType) returns boolean
function UnitRemoveTypeBJ (unittype whichType, unit whichUnit) returns boolean
native UnitStripHeroLevel (unit whichHero, integer howManyLevels) returns boolean
native UnitUseItem (unit whichUnit, item whichItem) returns boolean
function UnitUseItemDestructable (unit whichUnit, item whichItem, widget target) returns boolean
native UnitUseItemPoint (unit whichUnit, item whichItem, real x, real y) returns boolean
function UnitUseItemPointLoc (unit whichUnit, item whichItem, location loc) returns boolean
native UnitUseItemTarget (unit whichUnit, item whichItem, widget target) returns boolean
native VersionCompatible (version whichVersion) returns boolean
native VersionSupported (version whichVersion) returns boolean
native WaitGetEnemyBase () returns boolean
native WaygateIsActive (unit waygate) returns boolean
function WaygateIsActiveBJ (unit waygate) returns boolean



Functions that take type boolean as a parameter (     common.j,      common.ai,      Blizzard.j):

native AddHeroXP (unit whichHero, integer xpToAdd, boolean showEyeCandy) returns nothing
function AddHeroXPSwapped (integer xpToAdd, unit whichHero, boolean showEyeCandy) returns nothing
native AddLightning (string codeName, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2) returns lightning
native AddLightningEx (string codeName, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2) returns lightning
native AddUnitAnimationProperties (unit whichUnit, string animProperties, boolean add) returns nothing
function AddUnitAnimationPropertiesBJ (boolean add, string animProperties, unit whichUnit) returns nothing
function BasicExpansion (boolean build_it, integer unitid) returns nothing
native CameraSetSourceNoiseEx (real mag, real velocity, boolean vertOnly) returns nothing
native CameraSetTargetNoiseEx (real mag, real velocity, boolean vertOnly) returns nothing
native CameraSetupApply (camerasetup whichSetup, boolean doPan, boolean panTimed) returns nothing
native CameraSetupApply (camerasetup whichSetup, boolean doPan, boolean panTimed) returns nothing
native CameraSetupApplyForceDuration (camerasetup whichSetup, boolean doPan, real forceDuration) returns nothing
function CameraSetupApplyForPlayer (boolean doPan, camerasetup whichSetup, player whichPlayer, real duration) returns nothing
native CaptainInCombat (boolean attack_captain) returns boolean
function ChangeElevatorWallBlocker (real x, real y, real facing, boolean open) returns nothing
function ChangeElevatorWalls (boolean open, integer walls, destructable d) returns nothing
native ChangeLevel (string newLevel, boolean doScoreScreen) returns nothing
function CinematicModeBJ (boolean cineMode, force forForce) returns nothing
function CinematicModeExBJ (boolean cineMode, force forForce, real interfaceFadeTime) returns nothing
function CommonSleepUntilTargetDead (unit target, boolean reform) returns nothing
function CommonSuicideOnPlayer (boolean standard, boolean bldgs, integer seconds, player p, integer x, integer y) returns nothing
function CommonSuicideOnPlayer (boolean standard, boolean bldgs, integer seconds, player p, integer x, integer y) returns nothing
native CreateFogModifierRadius (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, real centerx, real centerY, real radius, boolean useSharedVision, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
native CreateFogModifierRadius (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, real centerx, real centerY, real radius, boolean useSharedVision, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
native CreateFogModifierRadiusLoc (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, location center, real radius, boolean useSharedVision, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
native CreateFogModifierRadiusLoc (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, location center, real radius, boolean useSharedVision, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
function CreateFogModifierRadiusLocBJ (boolean enabled, player whichPlayer, fogstate whichFogState, location center, real radius) returns fogmodifier
function CreateFogModifierRadiusLocSimple (player whichPlayer, fogstate whichFogState, location center, real radius, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
native CreateFogModifierRect (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, rect where, boolean useSharedVision, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
native CreateFogModifierRect (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, rect where, boolean useSharedVision, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
function CreateFogModifierRectBJ (boolean enabled, player whichPlayer, fogstate whichFogState, rect r) returns fogmodifier
function CreateFogModifierRectSimple (player whichPlayer, fogstate whichFogState, rect r, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
native CreateSound (string fileName, boolean looping, boolean is3D, boolean stopwhenoutofrange, integer fadeInRate, integer fadeOutRate, string eaxSetting) returns sound
native CreateSound (string fileName, boolean looping, boolean is3D, boolean stopwhenoutofrange, integer fadeInRate, integer fadeOutRate, string eaxSetting) returns sound
native CreateSound (string fileName, boolean looping, boolean is3D, boolean stopwhenoutofrange, integer fadeInRate, integer fadeOutRate, string eaxSetting) returns sound
native CreateSoundFilenameWithLabel (string fileName, boolean looping, boolean is3D, boolean stopwhenoutofrange, integer fadeInRate, integer fadeOutRate, string SLKEntryName) returns sound
native CreateSoundFilenameWithLabel (string fileName, boolean looping, boolean is3D, boolean stopwhenoutofrange, integer fadeInRate, integer fadeOutRate, string SLKEntryName) returns sound
native CreateSoundFilenameWithLabel (string fileName, boolean looping, boolean is3D, boolean stopwhenoutofrange, integer fadeInRate, integer fadeOutRate, string SLKEntryName) returns sound
native CreateSoundFromLabel (string soundLabel, boolean looping, boolean is3D, boolean stopwhenoutofrange, integer fadeInRate, integer fadeOutRate) returns sound
native CreateSoundFromLabel (string soundLabel, boolean looping, boolean is3D, boolean stopwhenoutofrange, integer fadeInRate, integer fadeOutRate) returns sound
native CreateSoundFromLabel (string soundLabel, boolean looping, boolean is3D, boolean stopwhenoutofrange, integer fadeInRate, integer fadeOutRate) returns sound
function CreateTimerBJ (boolean periodic, real timeout) returns timer
native CreateUbersplat (real x, real y, string name, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha, boolean forcePaused, boolean noBirthTime) returns ubersplat
native CreateUbersplat (real x, real y, string name, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha, boolean forcePaused, boolean noBirthTime) returns ubersplat
function CreateUbersplatBJ (location where, string name, real red, real green, real blue, real alpha, boolean forcePaused, boolean noBirthTime) returns ubersplat
function CreateUbersplatBJ (location where, string name, real red, real green, real blue, real alpha, boolean forcePaused, boolean noBirthTime) returns ubersplat
native CripplePlayer (player whichPlayer, force toWhichPlayers, boolean flag) returns nothing
function CustomVictoryBJ (player whichPlayer, boolean showDialog, boolean showScores) returns nothing
function CustomVictoryBJ (player whichPlayer, boolean showDialog, boolean showScores) returns nothing
native DestructableRestoreLife (destructable d, real life, boolean birth) returns nothing
native DialogAddQuitButton (dialog whichDialog, boolean doScoreScreen, string buttonText, integer hotkey) returns button
native DialogDisplay (player whichPlayer, dialog whichDialog, boolean flag) returns nothing
function DialogDisplayBJ (boolean flag, dialog whichDialog, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
native DisableRestartMission (boolean flag) returns nothing
native DisplayCineFilter (boolean flag) returns nothing
function DisplayCineFilterBJ (boolean flag) returns nothing
function DoCampaignFarms (boolean state) returns nothing
function EnableCreepSleepBJ (boolean enable) returns nothing
function EnableDawnDusk (boolean flag) returns nothing
native EnableDragSelect (boolean state, boolean ui) returns nothing
native EnableDragSelect (boolean state, boolean ui) returns nothing
native EnableMinimapFilterButtons (boolean enableAlly, boolean enableCreep) returns nothing
native EnableMinimapFilterButtons (boolean enableAlly, boolean enableCreep) returns nothing
native EnableOcclusion (boolean flag) returns nothing
function EnableOcclusionBJ (boolean enable, force f) returns nothing
native EnablePreSelect (boolean state, boolean ui) returns nothing
native EnablePreSelect (boolean state, boolean ui) returns nothing
native EnableSelect (boolean state, boolean ui) returns nothing
native EnableSelect (boolean state, boolean ui) returns nothing
native EnableUserControl (boolean b) returns nothing
native EnableUserUI (boolean b) returns nothing
native EnableWeatherEffect (weathereffect whichEffect, boolean enable) returns nothing
native EnableWorldFogBoundary (boolean b) returns nothing
function EnableWorldFogBoundaryBJ (boolean enable, force f) returns nothing
native EndGame (boolean doScoreScreen) returns nothing
native FogEnable (boolean enable) returns nothing
native FogMaskEnable (boolean enable) returns nothing
function FoodPool (integer food, boolean weak, integer id1, integer use1, boolean strong, integer id2, integer use2) returns nothing
function FoodPool (integer food, boolean weak, integer id1, integer use1, boolean strong, integer id2, integer use2) returns nothing
native ForceCinematicSubtitles (boolean flag) returns nothing
function ForceCinematicSubtitlesBJ (boolean flag) returns nothing
function FormGroup (integer seconds, boolean testReady) returns nothing
function GameOverDialogBJ (player whichPlayer, boolean leftGame) returns nothing
function GetBooleanAnd (boolean valueA, boolean valueB) returns boolean
function GetBooleanAnd (boolean valueA, boolean valueB) returns boolean
function GetBooleanOr (boolean valueA, boolean valueB) returns boolean
function GetBooleanOr (boolean valueA, boolean valueB) returns boolean
native GetCreepCamp (integer min, integer max, boolean flyers_ok) returns unit
native GetHeroAgi (unit whichHero, boolean includeBonuses) returns integer
native GetHeroInt (unit whichHero, boolean includeBonuses) returns integer
function GetHeroStatBJ (integer whichStat, unit whichHero, boolean includeBonuses) returns integer
native GetHeroStr (unit whichHero, boolean includeBonuses) returns integer
constant native GetPlayerStructureCount (player whichPlayer, boolean includeIncomplete) returns integer
constant native GetPlayerTechCount (player whichPlayer, integer techid, boolean specificonly) returns integer
constant native GetPlayerTechResearched (player whichPlayer, integer techid, boolean specificonly) returns boolean
constant native GetPlayerTypedUnitCount (player whichPlayer, string unitName, boolean includeIncomplete, boolean includeUpgrades) returns integer
constant native GetPlayerTypedUnitCount (player whichPlayer, string unitName, boolean includeIncomplete, boolean includeUpgrades) returns integer
constant native GetPlayerUnitCount (player whichPlayer, boolean includeIncomplete) returns integer
native GetTownUnitCount (integer id, integer tn, boolean dn) returns integer
function GetUnitCountEx (integer unitid, boolean only_done, integer townid) returns integer
native GroupTimedLife (boolean allow) returns nothing
function IntegerTertiaryOp (boolean flag, integer valueA, integer valueB) returns integer
native LeaderboardDisplay (leaderboard lb, boolean show) returns nothing
function LeaderboardDisplayBJ (boolean show, leaderboard lb) returns nothing
native LeaderboardSetItemStyle (leaderboard lb, integer whichItem, boolean showLabel, boolean showValue, boolean showIcon) returns nothing
native LeaderboardSetItemStyle (leaderboard lb, integer whichItem, boolean showLabel, boolean showValue, boolean showIcon) returns nothing
native LeaderboardSetItemStyle (leaderboard lb, integer whichItem, boolean showLabel, boolean showValue, boolean showIcon) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemStyleBJ (player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, boolean showLabel, boolean showValue, boolean showIcon) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemStyleBJ (player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, boolean showLabel, boolean showValue, boolean showIcon) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetPlayerItemStyleBJ (player whichPlayer, leaderboard lb, boolean showLabel, boolean showValue, boolean showIcon) returns nothing
native LeaderboardSetStyle (leaderboard lb, boolean showLabel, boolean showNames, boolean showValues, boolean showIcons) returns nothing
native LeaderboardSetStyle (leaderboard lb, boolean showLabel, boolean showNames, boolean showValues, boolean showIcons) returns nothing
native LeaderboardSetStyle (leaderboard lb, boolean showLabel, boolean showNames, boolean showValues, boolean showIcons) returns nothing
native LeaderboardSetStyle (leaderboard lb, boolean showLabel, boolean showNames, boolean showValues, boolean showIcons) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetStyleBJ (leaderboard lb, boolean showLabel, boolean showNames, boolean showValues, boolean showIcons) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetStyleBJ (leaderboard lb, boolean showLabel, boolean showNames, boolean showValues, boolean showIcons) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetStyleBJ (leaderboard lb, boolean showLabel, boolean showNames, boolean showValues, boolean showIcons) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSetStyleBJ (leaderboard lb, boolean showLabel, boolean showNames, boolean showValues, boolean showIcons) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSortItemsBJ (leaderboard lb, integer sortType, boolean ascending) returns nothing
native LeaderboardSortItemsByLabel (leaderboard lb, boolean ascending) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSortItemsByLabelBJ (leaderboard lb, boolean ascending) returns nothing
native LeaderboardSortItemsByPlayer (leaderboard lb, boolean ascending) returns nothing
function LeaderboardSortItemsByPlayerBJ (leaderboard lb, boolean ascending) returns nothing
native LeaderboardSortItemsByValue (leaderboard lb, boolean ascending) returns nothing
native LoadGame (string saveFileName, boolean doScoreScreen) returns nothing
function LoadGameBJ (string loadFileName, boolean doScoreScreen) returns nothing
function MakeUnitRescuableToForceBJ (unit whichUnit, boolean isRescuable, force whichForce) returns nothing
function MeleeDefeatDialogBJ (player whichPlayer, boolean leftGame) returns nothing
function MeleeExposePlayer (player whichPlayer, boolean expose) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsForPlayer (race whichRace, player whichPlayer, location loc, boolean doHeroes) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsHuman (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsHuman (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsHuman (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsNightElf (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsNightElf (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsNightElf (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsOrc (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsOrc (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsOrc (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsUndead (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsUndead (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsUndead (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsUnknownRace (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsUnknownRace (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeStartingUnitsUnknownRace (player whichPlayer, location startLoc, boolean doHeroes, boolean doCamera, boolean doPreload) returns nothing
function MeleeVictoryDialogBJ (player whichPlayer, boolean leftGame) returns nothing
native MoveLightning (lightning whichBolt, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2) returns boolean
native MoveLightningEx (lightning whichBolt, boolean checkVisibility, real x1, real y1, real z1, real x2, real y2, real z2) returns boolean
function MultiboardAllowDisplayBJ (boolean flag) returns nothing
native MultiboardDisplay (multiboard lb, boolean show) returns nothing
function MultiboardDisplayBJ (boolean show, multiboard mb) returns nothing
native MultiboardMinimize (multiboard lb, boolean minimize) returns nothing
function MultiboardMinimizeBJ (boolean minimize, multiboard mb) returns nothing
native MultiboardSetItemsStyle (multiboard lb, boolean showValues, boolean showIcons) returns nothing
native MultiboardSetItemsStyle (multiboard lb, boolean showValues, boolean showIcons) returns nothing
native MultiboardSetItemStyle (multiboarditem mbi, boolean showValue, boolean showIcon) returns nothing
native MultiboardSetItemStyle (multiboarditem mbi, boolean showValue, boolean showIcon) returns nothing
function MultiboardSetItemStyleBJ (multiboard mb, integer col, integer row, boolean showValue, boolean showIcon) returns nothing
function MultiboardSetItemStyleBJ (multiboard mb, integer col, integer row, boolean showValue, boolean showIcon) returns nothing
native MultiboardSuppressDisplay (boolean flag) returns nothing
function PauseAllUnitsBJ (boolean pause) returns nothing
native PauseCompAI (player p, boolean pause) returns nothing
native PauseGame (boolean flag) returns nothing
function PauseTimerBJ (boolean pause, timer whichTimer) returns nothing
native PauseUnit (unit whichUnit, boolean flag) returns nothing
function PauseUnitBJ (boolean pause, unit whichUnit) returns nothing
native PingMinimapEx (real x, real y, real duration, integer red, integer green, integer blue, boolean extraEffects) returns nothing
function PostTriggerExecuteBJ (trigger trig, boolean checkConditions) returns boolean
native QuestItemSetCompleted (questitem whichQuestItem, boolean completed) returns nothing
function QuestItemSetCompletedBJ (questitem whichQuestItem, boolean completed) returns nothing
native QuestSetCompleted (quest whichQuest, boolean completed) returns nothing
function QuestSetCompletedBJ (quest whichQuest, boolean completed) returns nothing
native QuestSetDiscovered (quest whichQuest, boolean discovered) returns nothing
function QuestSetDiscoveredBJ (quest whichQuest, boolean discovered) returns nothing
native QuestSetEnabled (quest whichQuest, boolean enabled) returns nothing
function QuestSetEnabledBJ (boolean enabled, quest whichQuest) returns nothing
native QuestSetFailed (quest whichQuest, boolean failed) returns nothing
function QuestSetFailedBJ (quest whichQuest, boolean failed) returns nothing
native QuestSetRequired (quest whichQuest, boolean required) returns nothing
function QueuedTriggerAddBJ (trigger trig, boolean checkConditions) returns boolean
native RegisterStackedSound (sound soundHandle, boolean byPosition, real rectwidth, real rectheight) returns nothing
function RemovePlayerPreserveUnitsBJ (player whichPlayer, playergameresult gameResult, boolean leftGame) returns nothing
function RescueUnitBJ (unit whichUnit, player rescuer, boolean changeColor) returns nothing
native RestartGame (boolean doScoreScreen) returns nothing
native ReviveHero (unit whichHero, real x, real y, boolean doEyecandy) returns boolean
native ReviveHeroLoc (unit whichHero, location loc, boolean doEyecandy) returns boolean
function SaveAndChangeLevelBJ (string saveFileName, string newLevel, boolean doScoreScreen) returns nothing
function SaveAndLoadGameBJ (string saveFileName, string loadFileName, boolean doScoreScreen) returns nothing
native SaveBoolean (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, boolean value) returns nothing
function SaveBooleanBJ (boolean value, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns nothing
native SelectUnit (unit whichUnit, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetBlight (player whichPlayer, real x, real y, real radius, boolean addBlight) returns nothing
native SetBlightLoc (player whichPlayer, location whichLocation, real radius, boolean addBlight) returns nothing
native SetBlightPoint (player whichPlayer, real x, real y, boolean addBlight) returns nothing
function SetBlightRadiusLocBJ (boolean addBlight, player whichPlayer, location loc, real radius) returns nothing
native SetBlightRect (player whichPlayer, rect r, boolean addBlight) returns nothing
function SetBlightRectBJ (boolean addBlight, player whichPlayer, rect r) returns nothing
native SetCameraTargetController (unit whichUnit, real xoffset, real yoffset, boolean inheritOrientation) returns nothing
function SetCameraTargetControllerNoZForPlayer (player whichPlayer, unit whichUnit, real xoffset, real yoffset, boolean inheritOrientation) returns nothing
native SetCampaignAvailable (integer campaignNumber, boolean available) returns nothing
function SetCampaignAvailableBJ (boolean available, integer campaignNumber) returns nothing
native SetCaptainChanges (boolean allow) returns nothing
function SetCinematicAvailableBJ (boolean available, integer cinematicIndex) returns nothing
native SetCreepCampFilterState (boolean state) returns nothing
native SetCustomCampaignButtonVisible (integer whichButton, boolean visible) returns nothing
native SetDefendPlayer (boolean state) returns nothing
native SetDestructableInvulnerable (destructable d, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetDestructableInvulnerableBJ (destructable d, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetDoodadAnimation (real x, real y, real radius, integer doodadID, boolean nearestOnly, string animName, boolean animRandom) returns nothing
native SetDoodadAnimation (real x, real y, real radius, integer doodadID, boolean nearestOnly, string animName, boolean animRandom) returns nothing
native SetDoodadAnimationRect (rect r, integer doodadID, string animName, boolean animRandom) returns nothing
native SetEdCinematicAvailable (integer campaignNumber, boolean available) returns nothing
native SetFogStateRadius (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, real centerx, real centerY, real radius, boolean useSharedVision) returns nothing
native SetFogStateRadiusLoc (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, location center, real radius, boolean useSharedVision) returns nothing
native SetFogStateRect (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, rect where, boolean useSharedVision) returns nothing
function SetFormGroupTimeouts (boolean state) returns nothing
native SetGameTypeSupported (gametype whichGameType, boolean value) returns nothing
native SetGroupsFlee (boolean state) returns nothing
function SetHarvestLumber (boolean harvest) returns nothing
native SetHeroAgi (unit whichHero, integer newAgi, boolean permanent) returns nothing
native SetHeroesBuyItems (boolean state) returns nothing
native SetHeroesFlee (boolean state) returns nothing
native SetHeroesTakeItems (boolean state) returns nothing
native SetHeroInt (unit whichHero, integer newInt, boolean permanent) returns nothing
native SetHeroLevel (unit whichHero, integer level, boolean showEyeCandy) returns nothing
function SetHeroLevelBJ (unit whichHero, integer newLevel, boolean showEyeCandy) returns nothing
native SetHeroStr (unit whichHero, integer newStr, boolean permanent) returns nothing
native SetHeroXP (unit whichHero, integer newXpVal, boolean showEyeCandy) returns nothing
native SetIgnoreInjured (boolean state) returns nothing
native SetImageAboveWater (image whichImage, boolean flag, boolean useWaterAlpha) returns nothing
native SetImageAboveWater (image whichImage, boolean flag, boolean useWaterAlpha) returns nothing
native SetImageConstantHeight (image whichImage, boolean flag, real height) returns nothing
native SetImageRender (image whichImage, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetImageRenderAlways (image whichImage, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetItemDropOnDeath (item whichItem, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetItemDropOnDeathBJ (item whichItem, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetItemDroppable (item i, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetItemDroppableBJ (item whichItem, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetItemInvulnerable (item whichItem, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetItemInvulnerableBJ (item whichItem, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetItemPawnable (item i, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetItemPlayer (item whichItem, player whichPlayer, boolean changeColor) returns nothing
function SetItemPlayerBJ (item whichItem, player whichPlayer, boolean changeColor) returns nothing
native SetItemVisible (item whichItem, boolean show) returns nothing
function SetItemVisibleBJ (boolean show, item whichItem) returns nothing
native SetMapFlag (mapflag whichMapFlag, boolean value) returns nothing
native SetMapMusic (string musicName, boolean random, integer index) returns nothing
native SetMissionAvailable (integer campaignNumber, integer missionNumber, boolean available) returns nothing
function SetMissionAvailableBJ (boolean available, integer missionIndex) returns nothing
native SetNewHeroes (boolean state) returns nothing
native SetOpCinematicAvailable (integer campaignNumber, boolean available) returns nothing
native SetPeonsRepair (boolean state) returns nothing
native SetPlayerAbilityAvailable (player whichPlayer, integer abilid, boolean avail) returns nothing
function SetPlayerAbilityAvailableBJ (boolean avail, integer abilid, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
native SetPlayerAlliance (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, alliancetype whichAllianceSetting, boolean value) returns nothing
function SetPlayerAllianceBJ (player sourcePlayer, alliancetype whichAllianceSetting, boolean value, player otherPlayer) returns nothing
function SetPlayerAllianceStateAllyBJ (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetPlayerAllianceStateControlBJ (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetPlayerAllianceStateFullControlBJ (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetPlayerAllianceStateVisionBJ (player sourcePlayer, player otherPlayer, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetPlayerColorBJ (player whichPlayer, playercolor color, boolean changeExisting) returns nothing
function SetPlayerFlagBJ (playerstate whichPlayerFlag, boolean flag, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
native SetPlayerOnScoreScreen (player whichPlayer, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetPlayerOnScoreScreenBJ (boolean flag, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
native SetPlayerRaceSelectable (player whichPlayer, boolean value) returns nothing
function SetPlayerUnitAvailableBJ (integer unitId, boolean allowed, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
native SetRandomPaths (boolean state) returns nothing
function SetRescueBuildingColorChangeBJ (boolean changeColor) returns nothing
function SetRescueUnitColorChangeBJ (boolean changeColor) returns nothing
native SetSlowChopping (boolean state) returns nothing
native SetSmartArtillery (boolean state) returns nothing
function SetStackedSoundBJ (boolean add, sound soundHandle, rect r) returns nothing
native SetTargetHeroes (boolean state) returns nothing
native SetTerrainPathable (real x, real y, pathingtype t, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetTerrainPathableBJ (location where, pathingtype t, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetTextTagPermanent (texttag t, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetTextTagPermanentBJ (texttag tt, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetTextTagSuspended (texttag t, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SetTextTagSuspendedBJ (texttag tt, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetTextTagVisibility (texttag t, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetTutorialCleared (boolean cleared) returns nothing
native SetUbersplatRender (ubersplat whichSplat, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetUbersplatRenderAlways (ubersplat whichSplat, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetUnitCreepGuard (unit whichUnit, boolean creepGuard) returns nothing
native SetUnitExploded (unit whichUnit, boolean exploded) returns nothing
function SetUnitExplodedBJ (unit whichUnit, boolean exploded) returns nothing
native SetUnitInvulnerable (unit whichUnit, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetUnitOwner (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer, boolean changeColor) returns nothing
native SetUnitPathing (unit whichUnit, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetUnitRescuable (unit whichUnit, player byWhichPlayer, boolean flag) returns nothing
native SetUnitsFlee (boolean state) returns nothing
native SetUnitUseFood (unit whichUnit, boolean useFood) returns nothing
function SetUnitUseFoodBJ (boolean enable, unit whichUnit) returns nothing
native SetWatchMegaTargets (boolean state) returns nothing
native SetWaterDeforms (boolean val) returns nothing
function ShowCustomCampaignButton (boolean show, integer whichButton) returns nothing
native ShowDestructable (destructable d, boolean flag) returns nothing
function ShowDestructableBJ (boolean flag, destructable d) returns nothing
native ShowImage (image whichImage, boolean flag) returns nothing
function ShowImageBJ (boolean flag, image whichImage) returns nothing
native ShowInterface (boolean flag, real fadeDuration) returns nothing
function ShowTextTagForceBJ (boolean show, texttag tt, force whichForce) returns nothing
native ShowUbersplat (ubersplat whichSplat, boolean flag) returns nothing
function ShowUbersplatBJ (boolean flag, ubersplat whichSplat) returns nothing
native ShowUnit (unit whichUnit, boolean show) returns nothing
function SingleMeleeAttack (boolean needs_exp, boolean has_siege, boolean major_ok, boolean air_units) returns nothing
function SingleMeleeAttack (boolean needs_exp, boolean has_siege, boolean major_ok, boolean air_units) returns nothing
function SingleMeleeAttack (boolean needs_exp, boolean has_siege, boolean major_ok, boolean air_units) returns nothing
function SingleMeleeAttack (boolean needs_exp, boolean has_siege, boolean major_ok, boolean air_units) returns nothing
function StartTimerBJ (timer t, boolean periodic, real timeout) returns timer
native StopMusic (boolean fadeOut) returns nothing
function StopMusicBJ (boolean fadeOut) returns nothing
native StopSound (sound soundHandle, boolean killWhenDone, boolean fadeOut) returns nothing
native StopSound (sound soundHandle, boolean killWhenDone, boolean fadeOut) returns nothing
function StopSoundBJ (sound soundHandle, boolean fadeOut) returns nothing
native StoreBoolean (gamecache cache, string missionKey, string key, boolean value) returns nothing
function StoreBooleanBJ (boolean value, string key, string missionKey, gamecache cache) returns nothing
native StringCase (string source, boolean upper) returns string
native SuicidePlayer (player id, boolean check_full) returns boolean
native SuicidePlayerUnits (player id, boolean check_full) returns boolean
native SuspendHeroXP (unit whichHero, boolean flag) returns nothing
function SuspendHeroXPBJ (boolean flag, unit whichHero) returns nothing
native SuspendTimeOfDay (boolean b) returns nothing
function TerrainDeformationCraterBJ (real duration, boolean permanent, location where, real radius, real depth) returns terraindeformation
function TerrainDeformationRippleBJ (real duration, boolean limitNeg, location where, real startRadius, real endRadius, real depth, real wavePeriod, real waveWidth) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformCrater (real x, real y, real radius, real depth, integer duration, boolean permanent) returns terraindeformation
native TerrainDeformRipple (real x, real y, real radius, real depth, integer duration, integer count, real spaceWaves, real timeWaves, real radiusStartPct, boolean limitNeg) returns terraindeformation
native TimerDialogDisplay (timerdialog whichDialog, boolean display) returns nothing
function TimerDialogDisplayBJ (boolean show, timerdialog td) returns nothing
function TimerDialogDisplayForPlayerBJ (boolean show, timerdialog td, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
native TimerStart (timer whichTimer, real timeout, boolean periodic, code handlerFunc) returns nothing
function TownCountEx (integer unitid, boolean only_done, integer townid) returns integer
function TransmissionFromUnitTypeWithNameBJ (force toForce, player fromPlayer, integer unitId, string unitName, location loc, sound soundHandle, string message, integer timeType, real timeVal, boolean wait) returns nothing
function TransmissionFromUnitWithNameBJ (force toForce, unit whichUnit, string unitName, sound soundHandle, string message, integer timeType, real timeVal, boolean wait) returns nothing
function TriggerExecuteBJ (trigger trig, boolean checkConditions) returns boolean
native TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent (trigger whichTrigger, player whichPlayer, string chatMessageToDetect, boolean exactMatchOnly) returns event
function TriggerRegisterPlayerSelectionEventBJ (trigger trig, player whichPlayer, boolean selected) returns event
native TriggerRegisterTimerEvent (trigger whichTrigger, real timeout, boolean periodic) returns event
native TriggerWaitOnSleeps (trigger whichTrigger, boolean flag) returns nothing
native UnitAddSleep (unit whichUnit, boolean add) returns nothing
native UnitAddSleepPerm (unit whichUnit, boolean add) returns nothing
native UnitCountBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns integer
native UnitCountBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns integer
native UnitCountBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns integer
native UnitCountBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns integer
native UnitCountBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns integer
native UnitCountBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns integer
native UnitCountBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns integer
function UnitCountBuffsExBJ (integer polarity, integer resist, unit whichUnit, boolean bTLife, boolean bAura) returns integer
function UnitCountBuffsExBJ (integer polarity, integer resist, unit whichUnit, boolean bTLife, boolean bAura) returns integer
native UnitDamagePoint (unit whichUnit, real delay, real radius, real x, real y, real amount, boolean attack, boolean ranged, attacktype attackType, damagetype damageType, weapontype weaponType) returns boolean
native UnitDamagePoint (unit whichUnit, real delay, real radius, real x, real y, real amount, boolean attack, boolean ranged, attacktype attackType, damagetype damageType, weapontype weaponType) returns boolean
native UnitDamageTarget (unit whichUnit, widget target, real amount, boolean attack, boolean ranged, attacktype attackType, damagetype damageType, weapontype weaponType) returns boolean
native UnitDamageTarget (unit whichUnit, widget target, real amount, boolean attack, boolean ranged, attacktype attackType, damagetype damageType, weapontype weaponType) returns boolean
function UnitGenerateAlarms (unit whichUnit, boolean generate) returns boolean
native UnitHasBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns boolean
native UnitHasBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns boolean
native UnitHasBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns boolean
native UnitHasBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns boolean
native UnitHasBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns boolean
native UnitHasBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns boolean
native UnitHasBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns boolean
native UnitIgnoreAlarm (unit whichUnit, boolean flag) returns boolean
native UnitMakeAbilityPermanent (unit whichUnit, boolean permanent, integer abilityId) returns boolean
function UnitMakeAbilityPermanentBJ (boolean permanent, integer abilityId, unit whichUnit) returns boolean
native UnitPauseTimedLife (unit whichUnit, boolean flag) returns nothing
function UnitPauseTimedLifeBJ (boolean flag, unit whichUnit) returns nothing
native UnitRemoveBuffs (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative) returns nothing
native UnitRemoveBuffs (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative) returns nothing
native UnitRemoveBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns nothing
native UnitRemoveBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns nothing
native UnitRemoveBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns nothing
native UnitRemoveBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns nothing
native UnitRemoveBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns nothing
native UnitRemoveBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns nothing
native UnitRemoveBuffsEx (unit whichUnit, boolean removePositive, boolean removeNegative, boolean magic, boolean physical, boolean timedLife, boolean aura, boolean autoDispel) returns nothing
function UnitRemoveBuffsExBJ (integer polarity, integer resist, unit whichUnit, boolean bTLife, boolean bAura) returns nothing
function UnitRemoveBuffsExBJ (integer polarity, integer resist, unit whichUnit, boolean bTLife, boolean bAura) returns nothing
function UnitSetCanSleepBJ (unit whichUnit, boolean canSleep) returns nothing
native UnitSetUsesAltIcon (unit whichUnit, boolean flag) returns nothing
function UnitSetUsesAltIconBJ (boolean flag, unit whichUnit) returns nothing
native UnitShareVision (unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer, boolean share) returns nothing
function UnitShareVisionBJ (boolean share, unit whichUnit, player whichPlayer) returns nothing
native UnitSuspendDecay (unit whichUnit, boolean suspend) returns nothing
function UnitSuspendDecayBJ (boolean suspend, unit whichUnit) returns nothing
native UnregisterStackedSound (sound soundHandle, boolean byPosition, real rectwidth, real rectheight) returns nothing
function UseTimeOfDayBJ (boolean flag) returns nothing
native WaygateActivate (unit waygate, boolean activate) returns nothing
function WaygateActivateBJ (boolean activate, unit waygate) returns nothing


Copyright (c) 2003 Jeff Pang
Not affiliated or endorsed by Blizzard Entertainment
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