JASS Tools
JASS Manual


Type rect

Global Variables | Functions That Return | Functions That Take

Ancestor Types:handle > agent > rect
Children Types:none
Location:common.j, line 22



Global variables of type rect:

bj_isUnitGroupInRectRect, bj_mapInitialCameraBounds, bj_mapInitialPlayableArea



Functions that return type rect (     common.j,      common.ai,      Blizzard.j):

function GetCameraBoundsMapRect () returns rect
function GetCurrentCameraBoundsMapRectBJ () returns rect
function GetEntireMapRect () returns rect
function GetPlayableMapRect () returns rect
function GetRectFromCircleBJ (location center, real radius) returns rect
native GetWorldBounds () returns rect
native LoadRectHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey) returns rect
function LoadRectHandleBJ (integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns rect
function OffsetRectBJ (rect r, real dx, real dy) returns rect
native Rect (real minx, real miny, real maxx, real maxy) returns rect
function RectFromCenterSizeBJ (location center, real width, real height) returns rect
native RectFromLoc (location min, location max) returns rect



Functions that take type rect as a parameter (     common.j,      common.ai,      Blizzard.j):

native AddWeatherEffect (rect where, integer effectID) returns weathereffect
function AddWeatherEffectSaveLast (rect where, integer effectID) returns weathereffect
function CompareRectsBJ (rect A, rect B) returns boolean
function CompareRectsBJ (rect A, rect B) returns boolean
native CreateFogModifierRect (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, rect where, boolean useSharedVision, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
function CreateFogModifierRectBJ (boolean enabled, player whichPlayer, fogstate whichFogState, rect r) returns fogmodifier
function CreateFogModifierRectSimple (player whichPlayer, fogstate whichFogState, rect r, boolean afterUnits) returns fogmodifier
native EnumDestructablesInRect (rect r, boolexpr filter, code actionFunc) returns nothing
function EnumDestructablesInRectAll (rect r, code actionFunc) returns nothing
native EnumItemsInRect (rect r, boolexpr filter, code actionFunc) returns nothing
function EnumItemsInRectBJ (rect r, code actionFunc) returns nothing
function GetRandomLocInRect (rect whichRect) returns location
function GetRectCenter (rect whichRect) returns location
native GetRectCenterX (rect whichRect) returns real
native GetRectCenterY (rect whichRect) returns real
function GetRectHeightBJ (rect r) returns real
native GetRectMaxX (rect whichRect) returns real
native GetRectMaxY (rect whichRect) returns real
native GetRectMinX (rect whichRect) returns real
native GetRectMinY (rect whichRect) returns real
function GetRectWidthBJ (rect r) returns real
function GetUnitsInRectAll (rect r) returns group
function GetUnitsInRectMatching (rect r, boolexpr filter) returns group
function GetUnitsInRectOfPlayer (rect r, player whichPlayer) returns group
native GroupEnumUnitsInRect (group whichGroup, rect r, boolexpr filter) returns nothing
native GroupEnumUnitsInRectCounted (group whichGroup, rect r, boolexpr filter, integer countLimit) returns nothing
function IsUnitGroupInRectBJ (group g, rect r) returns boolean
function MeleeGetLocWithinRect (location src, rect r) returns location
native MoveRectTo (rect whichRect, real newCenterX, real newCenterY) returns nothing
native MoveRectToLoc (rect whichRect, location newCenterLoc) returns nothing
function NudgeObjectsInRect (rect nudgeArea) returns nothing
function OffsetRectBJ (rect r, real dx, real dy) returns rect
function RandomDestructableInRectBJ (rect r, boolexpr filter) returns destructable
function RandomDestructableInRectSimpleBJ (rect r) returns destructable
function RandomItemInRectBJ (rect r, boolexpr filter) returns item
function RandomItemInRectSimpleBJ (rect r) returns item
function RectContainsCoords (rect r, real x, real y) returns boolean
function RectContainsItem (item whichItem, rect r) returns boolean
function RectContainsLoc (rect r, location loc) returns boolean
function RectContainsUnit (rect r, unit whichUnit) returns boolean
native RegionAddRect (region whichRegion, rect r) returns nothing
native RegionClearRect (region whichRegion, rect r) returns nothing
native RemoveRect (rect whichRect) returns nothing
native SaveRectHandle (hashtable table, integer parentKey, integer childKey, rect whichRect) returns boolean
function SaveRectHandleBJ (rect whichRect, integer key, integer missionKey, hashtable table) returns boolean
native SetBlightRect (player whichPlayer, rect r, boolean addBlight) returns nothing
function SetBlightRectBJ (boolean addBlight, player whichPlayer, rect r) returns nothing
function SetCameraBoundsToRect (rect r) returns nothing
function SetCameraBoundsToRectForPlayerBJ (player whichPlayer, rect r) returns nothing
native SetDoodadAnimationRect (rect r, integer doodadID, string animName, boolean animRandom) returns nothing
function SetDoodadAnimationRectBJ (string animName, integer doodadID, rect r) returns nothing
native SetFogStateRect (player forWhichPlayer, fogstate whichState, rect where, boolean useSharedVision) returns nothing
native SetRect (rect whichRect, real minx, real miny, real maxx, real maxy) returns nothing
native SetRectFromLoc (rect whichRect, location min, location max) returns nothing
function SetStackedSoundBJ (boolean add, sound soundHandle, rect r) returns nothing
function TriggerRegisterDestDeathInRegionEvent (trigger trig, rect r) returns nothing
function TriggerRegisterEnterRectSimple (trigger trig, rect r) returns event
function TriggerRegisterLeaveRectSimple (trigger trig, rect r) returns event


Copyright (c) 2003 Jeff Pang
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