JASS Tools |
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Global Declarations We define a JASS program or script to be a series of *.ai and *.j files that make up either a runnable map trigger script or an AI script.
common.j, Blizzard.j, and common.ai are located in the Scripts/ directory in the MPQ, but they can be overridded by placing them within a *.w3m. We call the declarations in these files library functions (and variables) since they are loaded with every map/AI script respectively. See Library Functions for more information. war3map.j is located in each *.w3m map file. It is automatically generated by the World Editor each time you save your map (so if you edit it directly, it will be overwritten when you edit your map again in the World Editor). However, you can edit segments of it directly in the World Editor by creating a trigger and using the "Convert to Custom Text" option in the "Edit" menu. In addition, to quote Brett Wood, "In the Trigger Editor [of TFT], if you select the root of the tree on the left (the map name at the top), you can enter arbitrary custom script code on the right. This script code is included in the map script right before all of the trigger code. This is a good place to write custom functions, which can then be used by multiple triggers. Theoretically, you could even do all of your scripting here, and not make any 'regular triggers' (although you'd probably still need at least one to call into your script code somewhere)." Note that variables
you create with the Variable Editor in the World Editor are global
variables. However, when the World Editor actually creates the map script,
it will transform the variable names by prefixing A JASS script consists of a series of global declarations. Global declarations consist of: In each file, type declarations and global variables must be declared before all user-defined function declarations. In all cases, you can not refer to declarations made after the reference (i.e., you must declare a type on a line before you extend it; you must declare a global variable on a line before you refer to it in an expression; and you must declare a function on a line before you call it, with the exception that a function may call itself). Each declaration begins on a new line (some span multiple lines). JASS allows user-defined types to be declared with the following, where
type new_type extends parent_type In each file, these must be declared before all functions. There are two scopes for variables in JASS: global and function. Variables declared in global scope can be referenced from any function; variables declared in a function and function parameters can only be referenced within that function. Global variables are declared in the following manner: globals type name = expression type name = expression type name = expression ... endglobals All declarations are enclosed within a A non-array variable declaration may be prefixed with
For example, here is an integer variable initialized to the value 10:
integer numberOfStuff = 10
A constant integer variable initialized to the product of two other variables: constant integer howManyUnits = numberOfGrunts * numberOfAttacks A string variable that is not initialized:
string someMessage
An array of units. Arrays can not be initialized.
unit array listOfUnits
In each file, the Native functions are functions that are implemented within the Warcraft III engine. They form the API which the game exports to JASS programmers. Unless you have access to Warcraft III's source code, you probably will not be defining a new native function, but you will probably call them. Their prototypes are declared in common.j, common.ai, and Blizzard.j. The prototypes look like the following: native func_name takes param_list returns return_typeWhere func_name is the name of the function,
param_list is an ordered, comma separated list of argument
types that must
be passed to the function when called, and return_type
is the type of the return value of the function, if any. If
param_list is nothing then the function takes
no parameters; if the return_type is nothing then
the function does not return a value and hence can not be used as a valid
For example, a native function that takes a string and a unit and has no return value: native MakeUnitTalk takes string whatToSay, unit targetUnit returns nothing Native functions may be declared with A user-defined function is similar to a native function but has a body consisting of its implementation (e.g., what it does). It is declared in the following manner: function func_name takes param_list returns return_type variable_declaration variable_declaration ... statement statement statement ... endfunction The prototype values are the same as with native functions. The function body consists of a series of local variable declarations followed by a series of statements (either of which may be empty). See Functions for more information. Functions may also be declared with |
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Copyright (c) 2003 Jeff Pang Not affiliated or endorsed by Blizzard Entertainment |